Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
Rubio Just suspended his campaign. Despite being a Rubio supporter, I would still agree that supporting Cruz is the wiser choice at this point. All this labeling of establishment vs outsider is crap as far as I'm concerned. Can the individual do the job, promote conservatism, and be presidential. Trump is a maybe on the first (but not effectively), not likely to the second (depends on what popular in his eyes), and no to the third.
Not very good arguement scored his proposal. The weakest arguement is that if Cruz wins he has a "mandate." Given that all presidential elections are won by very small margins, close to half the voters will oppose the winner's policies no matter who wins. (For example, Bush Jr received less than half of the popular vote, but still one the election.). So winning the presidency is hardly a mandate. And, Congressmen and Senators will be more closely aligned with their constituents than with the president so there is little risk of them bucking the president unless his goals are closely aligned with the goals of the congressman's district. Finally, electing an obstructionist who cannot get along with Congress will not solve problems, it will just lead to 4 more years of deadlock. Politics is the art of compromise and electing those who cannot compromise just leads to stalemate. The Republican Party would do better by asking Trump and Cruz supporters to throw their weight behind Rubio.
LTC Thomas Tennant
When it comes to the Presidency, your point is taken that mandate is an overused term. America is at a cross roads with two to four forks in the road. In light of yesterday's results, Trump's revolution seems to be gaining ever more steam and will be hard to stop even if John Kasich were to drop out as some later time. The bigger question is do we truly want a "true" conservative as President. Obama was an ideology driven presidency on the "left" and Cruz would definitely drive us to the right while Trump as a populist just might be a balance swing to the right....or some would hope. I want us to "win" again while moving America back to its foundational values and constitutional premises. I'm sure Trump will help us "win again" but we/he has yet to define what that truly is. I'm sure Cruz will move us back to our core values in terms of presidential policy and politics, but will he have problems in the general election beating "Billery"? Under no circumstances do I want a continuation of Obama's progressive liberalism.
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