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Responses: 7
Cpl Jeff N.
In a frenzy for people to get what they think has been taken from them and that they think they are entitled to, they forget what they already possess and from whence it came. That is a condition in an entitlement culture, little thought, a lot of want.

The target of the PC/entitlement culture is clearly they establishment in America which they construe to be evil white people. The richer they are the more evil they are. Their gain is ill gotten and what they have they have taken from others now less fortunate thanks to their greed and evil behavior. The proof that you do not have what you are "entitled" to is your bank account, your possessions, your station in life. There is zero responsibility for the condition any individual of the entitled class has for their plight in life, good, bad or indifferent. It has been heaped upon them by others.

The problem is you have millions of minorities that, like many whites, started with little or nothing and have achieved wealth, success, fame, fortune etc. Their answer of course is that they did so in spite of the establishment not because of it. It is a dangerous circular logic that makes people believe their condition is not fixable through their own efforts and self improvement and development. It must be take from others in order to correct the imbalance. Not a good situation.
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CPT Joseph K Murdock
Stupidity is an equal opportunity condition.
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SN Greg Wright
Good points that will be ignored in the frenzy.
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
9 y
SN Greg Wright I would comment,but probably wouldn't be PC.
How you doing,Greg?
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