"HOW AMERICA GOT TO ZERO TOLERANCE ON IMMIGRATION" proclaims the headline in the New York Times and an email blast entitled "The Best of MSN" passes it on. Really? If I were teaching a course in propaganda, this headline alone would be sufficient grist for a full semester. This is how you fuel a narrative of lies. There is plenty of tolerance for immigration in America. That much is clearly evident. More tolerance than met waves of European and Asia immigrants in times past. However the battle raging in America today has nothing to do with immigration or refugees. The battle today is over nationalism. Are we to be a nation or are we all to be subjects of a one world government? And what will that government look like? Socialism. In the past socialists hid their true identity because that battle had already been fought and lost. America rejected socialism and its evil stepchild communism. They hid behind gentler labels such as progressive and liberal although they are neither. Their sense of progress is a regression to times past when autocrats ruled their subjects. Their sense of liberality is antithetical to individual liberty. Their willingness to "come out" and proudly proclaim their true identity is proof of their success. They obviously believe that their time has come and with the help of undocumented aliens pouring across the borders that they have opened, they shall prevail. And unless we wake from our stupor and fight back, they are correct.