Responses: 2
The bride was, IMO, an ignorant a-hole. She didn't know the uniform the Marine wore wasequivalent to "black tie", which I note in the article was "optional" in the first place! Most enlisted service members don't have a lot of loose money floating about, so selecting a uniform they already own instead of renting a tux is often a good choice. Also, the attention the Marine was getting should be looked on as something he deserves as a person willing to lay down his life for our country. The bride should have been gracious enough to smile at the Marine, perhaps shake his hand or give him a little hug, and thank him for his service.
PO1 Thomas Williams
I agree with parts of your comment, but it is customary and respectful to not in any way take anything away from the bride on what is known as her day, I just wouldn’t have done it myself. Being disrespectful to anyone at anytime is nit a good way to promote the military. Her day!
I am very proud of my service and was proud to wear my uniform, but I don’t think I would have worn my dress uniform to someone else’s civilian wedding. Being the only one in uniform would definately bring attention, and I would not want to take away attention from the couple. That’s how I feel, but I could be wrong.
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