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Responses: 6
SGT Edward Wilcox
Oh my god! Non-whites voted in an election! Must be evidence of widespread voter fraud! Or, the American people just finally got pissed off enough to do something about the prick.
CPL Human Resources Specialist
CPL (Join to see)
>1 y
Go back in your hole, This was about fraud and out right cheating, has nothing to do with color or race but then again only a typical racist would bring it to that all the time
CPL Human Resources Specialist
CPL (Join to see)
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Yet in every other bellwether county in the sun belt that didn’t happen, only in Georgia right?? Only in the state that changed all their election laws illegally prior to the election right? Only in the state that had massive amounts of computer fraud and illegal activity caught on goddamn camera right? You should be ashamed of you ever wear the uniform of this country because I’m ashamed to even talk to you
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Col Joseph Lenertz
I wish the article would have supplied the facts needed to make the case the headline claims. Georgia was decided by 13,000 votes. 185,000 voters in Georgia in 2020 identified themselves as Asian or Pacific Islander. But the article is missing the critical piece...what percentage of this demographic voted for Biden? Without that, we can't tell whether they "helped hand Biden Georgia" or made any difference at all. NPR probably just assumed the demographic swung toward Biden...which is a fair assumption, but unstated in the article as an assumption.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
4 y
Col Joseph Lenertz That's a fair observation. We will never know for sure how much any group voted one way or another as ballots are anonymized. There are assumptions based off of the idea that Democrat groups organized the registration and push for turn out. But you are right that how they voted in the privacy of the voting booth will never be known for sure (and very much by design).
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