Posted on Mar 14, 2021
At least 100 protesters arrested as police kettle marchers in Portland
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 6
Thank you for the news share shipmate PO1 William "Chip" Nagel , police are doing a little bit better out there.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth It was Never as Bad as the Right Wing Media Portrayed It. They had to Have Something to Peddle Though.
CPL Earl Kochis
One it’s worse than the news portrays! Two you liberals keep giving them a free pass! Three they are terrorists and should be in in guantonimo bay! But you liberals don’t care about innocent Americans just crooked Dem politicians!PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SPC Cathy Goessman
Because it’s Portland basically. They live off of playing the victim and pretending to be activists while destroying private property.
SSG Robert Perrotto
A1C Doug Towsley - I am absolutely no stranger to the I-5 corridor. What is remarkable about current events in Portland is the level of sustainment, and length of time. This is being funded, organized, and planned, with clear logistical support. From 2014 to today, a 6 year insurrection campaign has been waged, with goal posts and objectives changing on the fly in order to keep the the protestors engaged.
Many of the events you posted were short term events, lasting several weeks, to a few months - not years.
Many of the events you posted were short term events, lasting several weeks, to a few months - not years.
SSG Robert Perrotto
A1C Doug Towsley - I am not saying Soros, or any other high profile individual is funding this - hell, funding can come from a myriad of means and avenues. Want to shut down something, start cutting the money. These insurrectionists are getting food, water, shelter from somewhere, and that costs money. I would start with the various activist fronts online, and see where the donations are going, and from whom.
Any activist organization that participates in demonstrations that routinely turn violent should have their funding seized. Participate all you want, but your gonna do it broke.
Any activist organization that participates in demonstrations that routinely turn violent should have their funding seized. Participate all you want, but your gonna do it broke.
SSG Robert Perrotto
A1C Doug Towsley - no - not the assets of the parents, but the assets of the activist groups. Parent contributes to Proud Boys, Anti fascist groups, or any other group that participates in demonstrations that routinely turn violent - well, you seize the assets of the group. We routinely seize assets of terrorist groups, that does not mean we are seizing the assets of the individual contributor. That individual still can earn money, can still buy or sell their wares and products.
My comment to the mayor would be to get out of the way and let the police do their jobs.
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