Responses: 8
SSgt Terry P.
CPT Jack Durish I agree,Cpt.,the link didn't post properly. It was worded differently than it posted.
10 of the most hated foods was the way it appeared.
10 of the most hated foods was the way it appeared.
SSgt Terry P.
CPT Jack Durish - So do i,Cpt.,i sometimes wonder where these people get their statistics . LOL
SSgt Terry P.
SGT Philip Roncari - Sorry,Philip,i like liver and onions in gravy.Ham and Limas on the other hand would have to be drowned in hot sauce or something to be eatable. LOL
SGT Philip Roncari
SSgt Terry Pride- My dear old Dad was a Mess cook in Uncle Sam’s Army back in WWll (armored unit ,war ended before they were shipped overseas) so Us kids became very well acquainted with SOS,Liver etc just couldn’t get that down,we had a few well fed dogs though! Be well Brother
SSgt Terry P.
SGT Philip Roncari - My only problem with liver during our training was those big "pans" it was cooked in--if you got liver from the center it was usually nearly raw, from the sides of the pan it would be way over cooked,so timing was critical even if you liked it.LOL
Have a great Sunday
Have a great Sunday
MSgt (Join to see)
My husband likes liver and onions but I can’t even stand the smell of it cooking.
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