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Responses: 3
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Barry Goldwater was a Major General in the Air Force Reserve and a Command pilot. We was a veteran of WWII as a combat pilot with many missions flown in the Pacific Theater of Operations. When i was stationed at Whiteman AFB, MO in the 1966-67 time era General Goldwater had flow as the pilot an air Force jet aircraft into Whiteman and I recall an honor Guard to greet Him of Air Policemen from the 351st Combat Defenses Squadron, (SAC) I I was a member of the 351st CDS Myself although wasn't a member of that Honor Guard but I did She him arrive and the greeting by the Base, Wing and Division Commander.
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SGM Operations Sergeant Major
I am a Christian myself, but I have always said that the religious right has hindered progress in the cause of conservatism. It is understandable that certain policy positions are non-negotiable—the 2nd Amendment is mine. But there has to be an understanding that decisions on governance cannot be made through the lens of religion. Not everyone is a believer, and the inability to focus on things that matter, like free market principles and individual liberties, hinder overall progress.

The evangelical rejection of gay marriage comes to mind. You have to win elections if you want your priorities enacted into law. The failure of Republicans to reach out to the moderate voter is reflected in such nonsensical priorities, preventing what could be major legislative wins that would be broadly supported.
SGM Operations Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
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Just noticed that this post was from three years ago... :/
Sgt Print Journalist
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SGM (Join to see) -How much do Christian politicians bend over backwards to accommodate others? Christians already have had to accept many nonBiblical standards in this country, ie homosexual marriage. You said you’ve drawn the line at keeping intact the 2nd A. I say freedom to be born is just as important.
Abortion, the killing of the people in the womb, should be outlawed just as the killing of all innocent people is absolutely against the law, (especially for money).
It should not be someone else’s available choice to murder the unseen innocent people.
SGM Operations Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
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Sgt (Join to see) I get what you’re saying. Those issues do matter. But my point is that to make any effective change on such issues, we have to win elections.

There are three types of voters available:
-those who will always vote with us
-those who will never vote with us
-those who might vote with us

The strategy needs to be focused on attracting independents, who now make up a larger percentage of the voting bloc than either political party (42%). If we take care of the economy, make job creation a priority, protect individual rights, and reduce the regulatory burden, those people will likely ignore some of the other issues where we don’t agree. It’s a more sound strategy than waving the book in their faces on the campaign trail.

Again, I’m not saying the other issues don’t matter. They just shouldn’t be the issues where we hang our hats. If we want to make progress on anything we have to win.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
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SGM (Join to see) - I hear what you’re saying about success; however, to people of conscience/ faith, how much can they bend their moral dictates and not feel they are selling their souls to darkness? We need to depend on God for our standing and positions (Psalm 37: 23, Eph 2:10) not people. He will put us there, if that’s our calling.

I wonder how a righteous man such as the prophet Daniel navigated his way in the courts of the Babylonian kings for over 50 years?
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SSgt Cynthia Hamilton
And he was right. As a proud atheist, I know that the cult of Trump is stuck because they cannot reconcile their religious ardor for the POS human that is Trump after all these years. And their preachers are making too much money off the suckers to tell them the truth.
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