Posted on Mar 10, 2017
Blog: Scholarly study reveals how badly Hillary screwed up campaign advertising
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 9
She was an extremely unpopular candidate with an uncanny ability to accentuate her negatives.
PFC Jim Wheeler
I didn't see any ads this politicsl cycle, so the chart comparing the percentage of her ads that were over policy compared to other candidates since 2000 surprised me.
SSgt Christopher Brose
PFC Jim Wheeler - I saw a whole bunch of Hillary's ads before I ever saw a single Trump ad. Without exception, all of Hillary's ads I saw were attack ads.
PFC Jim Wheeler
SSgt Christopher Brose - Where do you live? I'm wondering if my living in Texas had any effect on it.
SSgt Christopher Brose
PFC Jim Wheeler - I am in the Soviet of Washington. (The one between Oregon and Canada.) I'm in the eastern half of the state, which is surprisingly conservative in most places except for the city of Spokane. Unfortunately, we are outnumbered by the libs in the western half of the state.
I recall either reading an editorial or seeing an interview a week or two before the election where Bob Woodward describe interviewing Bill Clinton, at his home in Arkansas, while Hillary was on the campaign trail. During the interview, Bill received a call from Hillary and remained in the room with Bob. Bob said that Bill was trying to tell Hillary that her campaign was to focused on how bad Donald Trump was and that she needed to start telling America about the good things Hillary could do i.e. give American a reason to vote for Her. The conversation ended with both sides yelling at each other and Bill throwing his phone off the balcony. Ever the consummate politician, Bill was correct and Hillary was taken down by bad advice from her campaign team and her own hubris.
PFC Jim Wheeler
I just looked for this and only saw 1 or two articles about it. It didn't strike me as particularly reliable though.
SSgt Christopher Brose
Damn you, MSgt James Mullis! I was literally sipping my beer as I was reading your post, and inhaled some of it when I read about Bill's phone sailing off the balcony!
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