Every once in awhile I find this video and I am enraptured by it each time I view it! We are but a speck of light in a vast, seemingly endless universe... Watch, Full Screen on a large computer screen or on your Smart TV, and listen to the late Astronomer and Planetary Scientist, Carl Sagan, orates a very moving and emotional treatise on our Planet and our place in the universe as we know it... Think seriously about what He says... it is moving, it is emotional and we are moving with it through space and time in our solar system on the outskirts of the Milky Way Galaxy!
We are but a fledgling species entering into the vastness of space, but we have yet to send man beyond our closest celestial object, our moon... Yes we have visited Mars and sent space craft out to the reaches of our solar system and even Voyager 1 & 2 are in or beyond the heliosphere, outside the reaches of our suns magnetic field...
We are but a spec of dust... a pale blue dot in a backdrop of twinkling lights from afar in space...
"Be humble, for you are made of Earth and be noble, for you are made of the stars." - Unknown
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