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Responses: 3
CWO3 Us Marine
In their rush to get an exclusive, or be the first to break a story they often get sloppy with verification. Every time this happens they drop a notch WRT credibility. They could do away with the 24/7 massaging of stories for my part, and just stick to the facts. I don't need a talking head to arrive at conclusions for me.
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Cpl Jeff N.
The media seems to get more sloppy and slothful in their work as time goes by. It is easy to understand, they have emptied their leftist magazine at them and he is still standing calling them out, in some cases, as purveyors of fake news. They oblige by having network journalists put out stories they do not properly vet that are wildly wrong. The date on this email is the single most important part of the email and CNN just flew right by. Had they done any research they would have known the Wikileaks info, by that date, had been released and this was not any sort of collusion with Wikileaks and Trump Jr. The media is lazy and partisan, that is a recipe for disaster in a country that expects our free press to be accurate too.
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Cpl Scott McCarroll
I am watching the the President, he's been on about about 45 minutes, I think he is winding down about.
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