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Responses: 3
SPC Medical Specialist
Edited 6 y ago
Demoted probably would have been sufficient, but he probably got full retirement pay. This would have been better if there were no cameras.
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
3 y
"Demoted" in this clickbait headline is misleading.

He was simply offered the "opportunity" to retire immediately and realized that it was one of those offers you can't refuse.

"Demoted" would imply that he was reduced in rank -- which can only happen by court martial. In this case he simply didn't have enough time in grade to retire at his current rank, so the immediate retirement was at his previous grade. The same thing that would happen to any retirement-eligible service member who suddenly chose to retire too soon after his or her last promotion.

As for whether or not it was appropriate. You have to start by realizing that no one involved has been punished for the stupid farce... They were punished for making the military look foolish by publicizing this stupid stunt.

The reality is that quite a few reenlistment ceremonies are stunts. Most of those stunt reenlistment ceremonies are publicized. And some of those stunts are stupid. But this one apparently was a bit over the top in terms of the degree of stupidity and the amount of publicity.

Without knowing more details, the one individual involved where I might question whether punishment was appropriate is the former First Sergeant who took the video. What was his actual involvement? Had he expressed any reservations about this foolish stunt? Was he ordered to 'Just take the video' or something to that effect.

AT BEST, both the Senior NCO reenlisting and the Commander giving the oath demonstrated a lack of decorum and judgement that should be expected at their levels.
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SMSgt Thor Merich
Unbelievable. What an embarrassment and a failure by so many senior folks.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Equally so for those on RP that feel this was all right.
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Lt Col Chaplain
They were flirty, friendly and stupid to do this.... but his demotion/retirement - esp - is over the top. LOR would have been tough enough. The Guard has long-term relationships that enable this kind of familiarity.
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