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Responses: 6
SCPO Anthony Wingers
First of that judge is full of male cow excrement. Just sayin' The confederate battle flag is part of history, and was more about states rights then it ever was about slavery. Politically correct morons have taken over our country and this is what you get from it. The same idiots are turning flag stomping into a first amendment choice,instead of the act of treason and crime against the Nation that it always was. All the special little snowflakes seem to think that they have special rights to do stupid things. They also believe that others ought to fight to secure those specious rights for them. I would draft the little dears and let them experience their rights up close and personal. I would take them into a special 1960s style of "hands on" boot camp complete with ass whippings and a good backhand every now and then. Run it like a red line brig from back then, complete with some really big marines who do not like sailors or boots. Better yet, just send them through Marine Boot from back then without all the "training time outs" and politically correct b.s. that has permeated our namby pamby modern camps. The instant reality check would be amazing. I can tell you this as well. If they had to go to the sandbox or romp around in a jungle somewhere, they would come to appreciate what we have here, and what it took to win and keep it. Yes, I reallize this makes me a dinosaur. Oh Well. I would really like to take a few of them on a fast attack submarine going in harms way, while the little dears try to qualify. A 90 day patrol would definitely make them appreciate their homes, and understand that liberty is not now and never has been free.
SCPO David Lockwood
SCPO David Lockwood
>1 y
Thanks for your input.
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SSG Ed Mikus
My honest - one sided - opinion: because liberals hate America.

Now i know that is not the truth, it is just how i feel when i hear them pushing socialism or more open corruption. I know I know capitalism and hidden corruption aren't any better but they make me feel better but, I'm off topic.

I believe the issue is, people who care and know don't speak up for various reasons.
SCPO David Lockwood
SCPO David Lockwood
>1 y
To me stomping on the American Flag is the same as killing a Bald Eagle. IT should carry the penalty.
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Capt Gregory Prickett
This case will likely be dropped by the court, either over standing or the political issue doctrine.
SCPO David Lockwood
SCPO David Lockwood
>1 y
Thanks Capt for your input.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
You are welcome.
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