Posted on Dec 14, 2021
Conservatives see critical race theory in anti-racist schooling and they want it gone from Kansas...
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 6
Again, why don't you want your children learning about ALL of the history? Are you trying to teach them that white people made a "mistake"? Are you trying to teach them that what is going on now in the US has never happened before? Why don't you want them to know that, even in 2021, white people do indeed have their feet on the necks of those with different skin colors?
SSG Brian G.
SFC Randy Hellenbrand - No, my simple minded little friend, it is not just convservatives.
SSG Brian G.
SrA John Monette - You don't grasp it do you? Those were actions our ancestors did, BUT not a single living person today ever owned a slave, or was a slave, nor were their parents. See you keep repeating that line and yet you fail to acknowledge a few things that are pertinent in all that history. So let's review. One, the US history is no different than the history of the world, of every nation that exists or has existed on the face of it. Two, slavery began with the POC and was part and parcel for every single nation in various forms. Black slavery began with, yup, you guessed it... black, African tribes would conquer other tribes and sell the losing tribe member and that is how the first black slaves began to filter out of Africa. And yet whites are the only ones being targeted here and made to feel this way.
Yet this is all that some fools seem to want to focus on and it promotes a continuation of hatred on all sides of the equation. Go read up on history. We learn about history, to learn from it, to be better for it and to no repeat the mistakes of the past. The stupidity of thought that a person, just because they are white, should feel shame in something another group of whites did is highly ignorant. It would be a far cry different if say it could be traced back to a certain lineage but it cannot as America is a nation of immigrants with people coming and going each year. We are a melting pot of people.
Yet this is all that some fools seem to want to focus on and it promotes a continuation of hatred on all sides of the equation. Go read up on history. We learn about history, to learn from it, to be better for it and to no repeat the mistakes of the past. The stupidity of thought that a person, just because they are white, should feel shame in something another group of whites did is highly ignorant. It would be a far cry different if say it could be traced back to a certain lineage but it cannot as America is a nation of immigrants with people coming and going each year. We are a melting pot of people.
LTC David Brown
SSG Brian G. - I agree , Africans selling conquered tribal members was going on in the time of the Romans. Muslim slave traders took over the North African slave trade in the early 700 CE. We went to war with the Barbary Pirates over their enslavement of American sailors. Africans are still being enslaved by Muslims in North Africa, should I feel guilty about this? Do you think ethnic groups that made up Vikings feel guilty of their enslavement of the Irish, Scots and English? So should we blame and shame Germans for the actions of Nazi Germany? What about the actions of descendants of Communist Russians.
LTC David Brown
Critical Race Theory is a LEGAL Theory and has morphed into social and historical theory and it is basically BS.
My grandson is of Latino and caucasain ancestry, one of his teachers tried to make him do school work with CRT and he refused, he feels that this is a way to make kids not want to be around others that are not of their race or skin color, he has several buddies that are like brothers to him of different races and skin color shipmate PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC David Brown
SSgt Ray Stone - Ray, do you know how to google ? Look up the story, there are multiple news sources caring the story.
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