Posted on Aug 3, 2016
DC transit police officer charged with aiding ISIS | Fox News
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
This is an unfortunate finding. I hope this traitor gets what he deserves. However the reason I found to comment on this is that I hate hearing such things as "Now, do we have to be leery of our own policemen?" We as a nation need to stop grouping everyone into one stereotype due to the actions of an individual or a group. If a service member kills someone, do we suddenly condemn every one of our brothers and sisters? NO. Lets stop doing this to any sort of group/religion/affiliation.
SGT (Join to see)
You're right. I shouldn't have grouped one rouge police officer with the rest of the police officers. It was just shocking to read about one of our "Finest" in cahoots with ISIS.
SGT (Join to see) Bad apples in every profession. If he is guilty of this, he should never again see the light of day.
SGT (Join to see)
COL Jean (John) F. B., No Sir, I knew you didn't mean to insinuate otherwise. I agree with your punishment too.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
SGT (Join to see) - He is appearing before the judge for arraignment now. Watched an amazing report about him... He has been under surveillance for a long time (several years) and has made contact with several known terrorists. Offered to show terrorists (undercover officer) how to get a large number of weapons into a court house, among other things.
SGT (Join to see)
COL Jean (John) F. B., I heard about it on TV. Sounds to me he might have some mental illness. He described killing animals when he was young, and he hates Jews, and many more things he hates. He's singing like a canary.
SGT (Join to see)
It proves anyone, anywhere, can be influenced to support our enemies. I never thought about a police officer doing that.
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