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Responses: 1
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the great share, never heard of these groups though.
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
8 y
I generally try not to judge the legitimacy of someone's declared religion. We could say the same thing about radical islamists, could we not? We could say they are vile people using faith as an excuse to try and gain power. These afa people are the same way, using norse faith as an excuse to try and gain power. There are some legitimate norse pagan believers out there and they are normal people who happen to choose that as a religion. We cannot comdemn all norse type pagans because of the actions of a few any more than we can comdemn all muslims because of the actions of the radical islamists. It is the same thing...
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
8 y
MSgt (Join to see) - Heathenry is a folk faith based on belief in the Germanic Gods of antiquity. As 1stSgt Nelson Kerr said, a lot of the supremacist types hide behind in an attempt to legitimize their racist behavior. It is abhorrent to me. Nazi Germany did enough damage, don't need these shit swizzlers piling on. It would be like a person judging every christian based on Westborro Baptist Church, every Muslim based on ISIS. Not appropriate, and not accurate. This is why I am of the belief that faith is generally good while religion is generally bad.
Cpl Christopher Kirkpatrick
Cpl Christopher Kirkpatrick
8 y
my unit has always said, 'Til Valhalla when a brother passes (at least the Mustangs and the Enlisted). We were the Highlanders, 1st LAR. "tip of the spear" Our Battalion Weapon was a GIANT TWO HANDED SWORD and the Bn. Commander wore a Kilt to "Highlander night". Its fucking great look up the pics on google XP
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
8 y
I agree a bunch of power hungry people love using religion for their own purposes. We cannot condemn all followers of a faith for the actions of a few bow can we? I personally know some pagans that are nice people. If some akin heads twist faith for their own ends I am not sure that banning a particular faith is the answer. Banning members of a particular organization, yes. A particular faith, no.
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