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Responses: 5
LCDR Deputy Department Head
Any chance you can post the article? My "free access" has been used up for this time period. Haha. I already read the article but don't remember it exactly.

At first thought this kind of scares me, since I am someone who did all of the "right" things to set my career up around the zones as they are. At the same time though if it means I could be promoted ahead of others to O-5 that aren't really ready and have slacked off, I'd endorse it. I have a feeling this won't truly affect me either way but I can see significant benefits for future crops of officers.
LCDR Naval Aviator
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
Wasn't aware of that. Good thing for me, I guess. Thanks for the info!
LCDR Deputy Department Head
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
LCDR (Join to see) it's not at all uncommon not to know, part of my job is career advice and I work a lot with detailers and promotion board members. I wish it was a little better publicized!
LCDR Vice President
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
LCDR (Join to see) My promotions were always automatic or due to being at the right place at the right time. No matter what they change I don't hold out a lot of faith in any real impact to ensure the best of the best are promoted. Then they will wonder why they have to relive so many COs this year while other good officers left the Navy out of frustration with the system. I don't know a lot about the AMO community but when I decided to go URL and not EMO that directly resulted in my promotion to O-4. LT Julius Wilson was a good friend and better officer then I and he got passed up because the numbers were not there in the EMO field. My year group the Navy offered all the ROTC grads IRRs. So guess what they took it, fast forward 8 years and if you could fog a mirror as an 1110 you were promoted.
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
>1 y
As as army cw4 with 26 yrs of service and army funded college under my belt I never was promoted below the zone. That is because my first ballation commander a west point grad.as my senior rater gave me a 98 out of 100
Dennis Benchoff. Retired as a. 3 star. Commanded 101st. I received a 200 from hin. LTC Ronald Hite. Retired as a 3 star. He turned down the 4th star. High speed should be rewarded irregardless of service.
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MSG Brad Sand
Probably not
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
9 y
LCDR (Join to see)
Drunken sailors harass a woman...cancel the entire event because drunken sailors will not harass anyone ever again...well at least this particular bunch and at this particular place. Really...it is fixed....just don't look anywhere else.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
9 y
Hold on there! Drunken sailors? Who ever heard of such?
LCDR Deputy Department Head
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
MCPO Roger Collins I mean really, what would you do with a drunken Sailor?
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
9 y
MCPO Roger Collins
It was just now that I realized the two word did not always have to be together?

LCDR (Join to see)
A Marine friend was telling me they use them as bait? I think he might have been joking?
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SCPO David Lockwood
If I'm not mistaken they never stopped doing tailhook. They continued with it but policed themselves with with an iron fist!
LCDR Vice President
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
SCPO David Lockwood Naval Aviators, "Police themselves" "Iron Fist" are we talking about the same brownshoes? But then you knew them better than me Senior. I was just surprised they were still doing the convention. They would hold a SWO convention but it would be on a decommissioned frigate in Newport in the middle of winter and no one would come.
LCDR Naval Aviator
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
LCDR (Join to see) As an aviator, I approve this (your) message.
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