Posted on Dec 26, 2019
Disabled Veterans eligible for free National Park Service Lifetime Access Pass - VAntage Point
Edited 5 y ago
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 11
This is an awesome offering to all disabled veterans... Lt Col Charlie Brown and I plan to send this link out to my DAV Chapter 90 members... Thank you for sharing this!
Lt Col Charlie Brown
This is especially important since they changed the amount needed for the senior pass.
I love the National Parks. I got my first lifetime pass at Gettysburg NP in August of 1980. It saved me a dime on that first visit, but hundreds of dollars over then next nearly 40 years. They were made of paper back in 1980 and I wore a couple of those paper passes out before the Park Service finally switched to plastic. I also got lifetime free park passes from both Texas and Washington state. Disabled vets should always carry a current VA award letter when they travel, just in case.
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