No one is more professional than YOU. YOU are a Non Commissioned Officer, a leader of this group of jackasses I'm leaving behind. As a Non Commissioned Officer YOU better realize you will be overworked, f*cked over, and given every detail known to man in the ROK, by a PSG, Section SGT, and a 1SG who hates being here more than you do. I am proud of the Corps of Non Commissioned Officers who sent YOU here to relieve ME, so I get the hell out of this country, get back to the world and never come back. It will be YOUR duty to bring credit upon the BS that you will leave you drunk by noon, at parade rest in various offices, chewed up and spat out by various other "peers" who "have your back".
This in various forms has been left on many barracks doors during my time in the ROK along with orders of the clown you're relieving, or is relieving you. If you've never done a one for one replacement, you've missed out on the sheer levels of stupidity when you think you're doing left seat, right seat, but you're really doing left seat, other seat is empty since the NCO you're replacing has to DEROS ten days from now. Grab your kettles my friends....these 12 months are going to be interesting.....especially when 2ID gets their Warrior Pass, and you're restricted to post to save you from a free asswhoopin.