Posted on Oct 18, 2017
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 3
It is kind of tough to figure out our election process. I am certain that the founding fathers did not envision where we would be at today. Truth is, is it a terribly flawed system. When we still count votes that are proven to come from voters who have no legal right to do so, and then dead people; I say it is a system that is definitely FUBAR.
Basically, the winner is fine with the process, and the loser complains about it until they win. If one studies the process, the logic behind the electoral college makes sense. The idea that groups find legal and illegal means to beat the system is not new.
Democrats are on record in court as saying the can choose their nominee for President any damn way they want to regardless of what their charter says or how they represent the process to Democrat voters.
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