Posted on Mar 14, 2017
Dozens of police-issued firearms lost or stolen in Michigan since 2010
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
This is one of those things that makes you say WTF. Mistake# 1 leaving your weapon un-secure in a car in the USUAL storage place. Mistake # 2 thinking that was was a good idea. I have no idea what the strip club policy is on weapons period let alone law enforcement in addition to the local and state laws in Detroit but this is a bone head move. Weapon stays with you at all times unless it is secured, and by secured not in the glove department, not stuffed into the seat, not under the spare tire. A regular Joe/Jane would be up shits creek, going to court and paying big bucks in a attempt to stay out of jail. This isn't even taking into account losing your gun rights and being responsible for the crimes committed with the stolen weapon or those who are injured or killed. If you need to go to a bar to get tight or go to a strip club to admire the female or male physique then leave your weapon home, specially in a neighborhood where you are more than likely going to receive a visit from the local midnight auto property redistribution technician.
1SG Dennis Hicks
SGM Erik Marquez - SGM I was merely pointing out the possible outcome, here in PA the Antis were big on the lost or stolen laws. Why we don't have any OFFICIAL or Legal gun registration in PA that is not the same in other states. I know from personal knowledge that a civilian who loses a gun will lose their LTCF in PA under the character clause in certain locations, Philly for one. On the legal side and I am not a lawyer it's theoretically possible for someone to be held liable for crime committed with their stolen or lost gun. I haven't looked up any cases so I can not cite one. From the original post that Sheriffs weapon can be used in the commission of a crime and he/she will be treated differently than me or you. The Hoplophobes want gun owners held responsible for crimes committed with their lost or stolen weapons. Me My EDC stays in its holster or in an actual gun safe, so mine will never be stolen from my car. Bash away SGM when I am wrong I have zero problems with admitting it and apologizing. The way things are going gun rights in this country are going to get interesting.
SGM Erik Marquez
1SG Dennis Hicks - No bash, other then your stuck on "LEOs BEING TREATED DIFFERENTLY//.......for something that has never happened, to ANYONE> It is non issue, it does not exist, it has not happened.
LEO's are not treated differently, as there is NO ISSUE to be handled differently.
If you can find a case ANYPLACE where a civilian has been held responsible for a crime committed by the person that stole their weapon....then you have something to stand on.
Right now your making a statement that LEOs are treated different for a thing that has never happens to anyone...LEO or civilian..
LEO's are not treated differently, as there is NO ISSUE to be handled differently.
If you can find a case ANYPLACE where a civilian has been held responsible for a crime committed by the person that stole their weapon....then you have something to stand on.
Right now your making a statement that LEOs are treated different for a thing that has never happens to anyone...LEO or civilian..
1SG Dennis Hicks
SGM many Leos have lost or had their weapons stolen and then they showed up used in crimes to include murder, nothing has happened to the LEO's beyond a stern talking to. This will sound like the usual BS but I have had multiple friends in many of the LEO fields and ave spoken with them about this and other things. MY comments are based upon those conversations and observations. Do I have an actual case to point to no, do i think that this has happened and been covered up, Yes. As for a civilian being charged for a crime committed by them losing or having their weapon stolen as far as I know it hasn't happened yet. But the lost and stolen bills are the first step to that. Give it time and you will have your example, you may have to wait since the trend has been stopped as of 8 Nov 2016. Ar you currently a LEO?
1SG Dennis Hicks
Apparently someone tried to prosecute a person for a crime committed with a stolen gun look up. There may be more or there may be none. In this day and age everyone is always looking for someone to blame and sue for the actions of another.
"The State of Washington chose to prosecute Mr. Bauer and charged him with assault in the third degree. Mr. Bauer didn't think that he should be responsible for what the kid did with the gun after it was unlawfully stolen without his knowledge from his house, so he moved to dismiss the charges (before trial began). The trial court disagreed with him, and Bauer appealed to the Court of Appeals (Division 2) in WA."
"The State of Washington chose to prosecute Mr. Bauer and charged him with assault in the third degree. Mr. Bauer didn't think that he should be responsible for what the kid did with the gun after it was unlawfully stolen without his knowledge from his house, so he moved to dismiss the charges (before trial began). The trial court disagreed with him, and Bauer appealed to the Court of Appeals (Division 2) in WA."
How criminally liable are you if someone steals your gun and uses it? New WA Supreme Court Case
If bad guy breaks into your house and steals your gun, you kind of assume that you aren't responsible for the bad things he then decides to do with...
I better go check the Strip Club for hidden and stolen weapons Sir.
M. Morris RVT
M. Morris RVT
We don't agree much but yeah this is disturbing on a small level and frightening if trend is larger than we know.
LTC (Join to see)
I'll definitely agree that we agree on this one...I just don't understand how this happens, and if it is happening in one state it has to be happening in others.
MSG Andrew White
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