Posted on Oct 17, 2023
Elon Musk Destroys BBC Reporter Live! | "You Just Lied!" | By Project Nightfall | Facebook
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
If I were going to debate Musk, I would be damn that I could rationally support my position before I started, Musk is brighter than most people and rich enough to not care about pissing you off, but he is a facts and numbers guy.
SPC Kevin Ford
If the reporter was swift on his feet he could thrown the same claim back at Musk. Lying means that someone intentially told an untruth. Lying is not being wrong or just plain being unable to support ones position. Having said that, you are right. The reporter was unprepared and if he were going to ask that question he should have come with receipts.
CPT Lawrence Cable
SPC Kevin Ford - This reporter came into the interview can made specific claims without having the evidence to support them. When he was asked to provide a specific example of hate speech, he floundered way like a beached carp. If he was a good reporter, he would have researched X before shooting off his mouth.
SPC Kevin Ford
CPT Lawrence Cable - Absolutely. Doesn't mean he lied however. It just makes him ill prepared or ill informed (or both).
That is what I actually like about Elon Musk - that he is offended by lies, less than honest comments, less than precise information that can be misleading, and says something about it - at least when it is about himself.
Poor guy. Musk is being kind, like a dog with a bone, who wants to play!
Poor guy. Musk is being kind, like a dog with a bone, who wants to play!
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