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Responses: 12
CW5 Jack Cardwell
I think the goal is to teach zero history, not just WWII history.
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SPC Douglas Bolton
Really? Silly
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SPC Nancy Greene
Excellent Share!!! Any with any sense or knowledge of evolution knows the climate has been changing for Billions of years! At one point in time, the majority of the earth was covered with ice! Do these people not know about the dinosaurs? I remember in the early 70’s everyone was in an Uproar due to pollution of land and water and destruction of the ozone layer! People used to literally throw their trash out of the windows of their cars and aerosol spray cans contributed to the ‘hole’ in ozone layer! We identified the problem and resolved it!!! Climate change is basic knowledge of the theory of evolution!
As far as guns getting into schools, why not simply install metal detectors!!! They are in schools in Chicago. Should be in ALL schools! A few extra minutes of time entering school is a very small price to pay if it saves even one life!
Regarding the Korean Veteran, I am so extremely appalled by the manner in which this War Hero was treated, these people should be TOTALLY ashamed of themselves and they OWE this War Veteran a seriously sincere apology!!! Give this Hero back his weapons and his job, profusely apologize to him, acknowledge his Heroic actions to preserve OUR Freedom, and provide him restitution for the Irreprehensible manner in which he was treated!
I am constantly appalled by the ignorance of millennials and their approach to education. If you erase the past because it ‘might’ upset children, then you are disrespecting ALL of the Brave Men and Women who gave their lives in WWI, WEII, Korea, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and the Holocaust Survivors!!! If we do not acknowledge the past, I feel we are DOOMED to repeat prior mistakes!!! Just my two cents!!!
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