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Responses: 3
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
Whatever happened to need to know? Do contractors need all of that info?
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
It is sometimes hard to include a uniformed military or GS position in an organization based on politics and funding. Government is more heavily dependent on contractors wiith security clearances in today's times to fill requirements.
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MCPO Roger Collins
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LT Brad McInnis
Surprise, surprise, surprise, he was also a pot farmer! Somewhere, our investigators that are processing security clearances are really failing our country.
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
Don't blame investigators, blame the outdated process...

Although there are interviews, they often are of people that the subject chooses to include in the SF86. Unless there was a criminal conviction, the pot farming likely did not show up in any law enforcement database (mentioned in story). Clearances are good for multiple years depending upon the level and suspicions of his illicit may not have been initially picked up on.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
So how is this the investigators fault? If he didn’t have a criminal record, didn’t pop hot on a drug test and none of his referrals knew or said he was growing, using or selling pot then no background check is going to expose this.
SGT Postal Clerk
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Take a look at those who have been elected and appointed that still have a security clearances after departing (Brennan, Comey, Kerry and a fleet with the FBI/DOJ. When the intelligence community became ruled by the elected in the 70's it began the downhill slide. Elected and Intelligence do not belong in the same planet. Our system presently is broken. The law is two-tier and immunity appears to favor anyone who holds an official tile or position. The people who hold the security of America are the very people who are hellbent of taking America and Americans down. If our system is not over-hauled at all levels within the next 5 years wave goodbye to democracy. Hard to imagine the greatest force in America is doing nothing...that being Veterans. Over 20 million of US, now that is a real force to contend with who one would think has the 'juice' to get things done. They want to pit Americans against Americans so the broken government can come in and take over...not brain surgery or rocket science but look around. A couple million of us do not need to go to the streets armed but need to go to the streets and get people to vote out the career, bought and paid for elected, who are allowing our demise. 90% of both sides of the aisle need to GO! And if we were to slap a few of the wannabe's (ANTIFA) along they way we could help some of the law do their job it appears they have been advised to avoid.
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