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Responses: 2
MSgt Michael Bischoff
If you don't like what you hear change the story line to stir up your unbending blind and deaf supporters.
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Cpl Mark McMiller
And we should believe anything coming out of the FBI why?
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
>1 y
Cpl Mark McMiller maybe you should read chapter 3....it goes into great detail about how, why, and based on what information was available that led to the opening of the investigation. The FBI would have been derelict in their duty had they not opened the investigation. Trump said it was opened only to sabotage his campaign....makes no sense, since the only investigation that the public was made aware of during the campaign was the one on Hillary's emails....which basically sank her campaign. Read chapter 3 if you really want to understand why it was opened. I already agreed that the FISA process was afu.....a number of people close to Trump during, and immediately after, the campaign, are in jail, or headed there. Show me the people you surround yourself with, and I'll tell you who you are.....one of my favorite sayings. If you run with liars and crooks...pretty good chance you're a liar and a crook. Think about it.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
SSgt Gary Andrews - I read chapter 3. It's just more bullshit made up by the FBI to whitewash the crimes they've been committing because they're afraid of going to prison. Just one example of their bullshit is their claim that Russians hacked the DNC server when the FBI never even examined the DNC server.

But the FBI will probably get away with their wrongdoing because of idiots who keep spouting the Dem talking point that there was nothing inappropriate about opening the investigation while downplaying or completely ignoring all of the lawbreaking the FBI did to keep the investigation going. Sound familiar?

As far as your "run with liars and crooks", a good businessmen will hire a person who is the best at what they are being hired to do and not worry about other things that person might or might not be doing that doesn't involve the businessman. The things the FBI did to keep the investigation going are worse than anything those who were prosecuted did.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
>1 y
Cpl Mark McMiller wow....so the parts of the report you agree with, you quote as factual. But the part you don't agree with, is made up bullshit. I don't see any point in arguing with someone who thinks like that. Have a nice day, Mark.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
SSgt Gary Andrews - SSgt Gary Andrews - No. I'm just saying that those running the FBI investigation have proven to be a bunch of liars and lawbreakers, so why should I believe anything that came out of their investigation including their reasons for starting it. Horowitz can believe them if he wants to, but as the IG, he was limited in what he could do to get to the truth. I'm waiting for the Durham investigation to be completed before I decide what the truth is.
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