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Responses: 1
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited 6 y ago
Funny thing about conspiracies - the people that are not in on it might just be an honest broker who catches on. Not everyone in government is a hack or partisan. Many, I hope most, take their duties and oaths seriously.
There is no way the FBI didn't know that Steele was full of shit. Ergo, at least one decision-maker was in on it. The first FISA was signed off on by Comey, at the behest of Strok and McCabe. It is clear that Strok was a partisan actor. It is reasonable to conclude that McCabe was based on his active role in leaking things to the press. Whether Comey was all the way in on it or not is a guessing game, but his actions up to his firing and immediately after indicate that he was aware and trying to salvage his reputation.
Then there are other actors that had roles to play. John Brennen. Susan Rice.
The list of folks that could authorize facets of this fiasco is pretty short. The fact that there was digital surveillance inside the White House (Flynn) and foreign intelligence service cooperation (Page, Manafort, Papadopolous) implicate CIA as a partner in this. For law enforcement and Intelligence agencies to operate in conjunction a case like this means VERY HIGH authorization had to happen or alternatively, that they are that rogue that they plotted a coup. I doubt the latter possibility, but it is possible. What that leaves me with is a list of people that pretty much only has DNI Clapper, FBI Director Comey, CIA Director Brennan, National Security Advisor Rice, VP Biden, and President Obama in it.
Think about that for a moment.
If what I hypothesize is close to accurate, this must come out and people held to account or it will not be the last time it happens.
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