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Responses: 12
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
Liberal Policies will always destroy under the guise of "good Intentions" I head of a road paved with those once.

Let us look at some:

1: Gun Free zones... While we all know the intent was to make people safer, the reality is that Criminals don't obey the law. So a sign that says gun free will only be obeyed by a victim.
2: Zero tolerance... A policy that says you can not defend yourself no matter what or you will also be punished. Kids are left with no outlet in a system that decries bulling... but when bullying is reported it is rarely dealt with. Till someone explodes in rage or commits suicide, then is crying and gnashing of teeth and "wow we need to do something".
3: Refusal to act because it has permeant consequences... In this case the local Police and City were trying to net federal funding for reducing crime and getting a handle on the "School to Prison" system. So every red flag was ignored about this kid. Frankly by all the kids in that area. This is the head in the sand form of leadership. If you don't acknowledge it then it isn't happening.

In every instance in regards to this situation the Police, School, and local government failed epically. If this "kid" had had one criminal entire in the data base he would have not been able to legally buy a firearm. ONE entry. Say Domestic abuse for pulling a gun on his Mother, Say one for threatening to Murder someone, say one for assault and battery... ANY one incident would have possibly stopped this before it happened... But it was more profitable to look the other way and pretend they were making a difference. No Liberal policies are to blame for this mass shooting... ironically the cops refusing to enter the building is exactly what the people in the building needed and wanted. They wanted more guns in that building, they wanted a weapon to defend themselves, they were turned into victims by a liberal system built on 'good intentions" built by emotion and not logic.

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
Yup, already had one Liberal Teacher in his school harrassing the gunman because he could not speak Spanish...........maybe it was applied Liberalism via the teaching staff that pushed the gunman over the edge.
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC Erich Guenther - Who knows what set him off, seems he was just a ball of anger at everything. The fact he had so many Police interactions and issues that should have netted him charges shows that the policies in this school and town failed. he should have had charges filed on him several times in his life. In a bid for a kinder gentler nation we have ignored the issues. He was a violent kid, be became a violent adult. The system did nothing to help, prison may have helped, at the least he would not have been able to legally buy a weapon. They want to blame the guns but it was the systems refusal to do their jobs that allowed this to happen in the first place.

Its a Jenga tower these Liberal Policies, and they are starting to fall.
MSgt Stephen Council
MSgt Stephen Council
>1 y
CPO (Join to see) AAANNNDDD All the Brothers and Sisters said AMEN!
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SSG Jessica Bautista
I don't know why I had any hope for Ann Coulter with this blog post. Not only does she misunderstand what the problem is with the school-to-prison pipeline, she's happy to find a way to blame liberals for damn near all of it, even going so far as to attribute his Latino last name as some sort of privilege. The kid is white. I don't know how Florida works, but DAs are loathe to charge teens with felonies on account that they're so young and more likely to benefit from rehabilitation. There's just a whole lot of emotion-based opinion in this.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
The string of offenses this kid has were material. The folks that signed off in this program and allowed him to commit crimes with near impunity is real. You can choose to act like the policy does not exist or that he benefited from it but that would be self deception.

Once high schooler's cross the Rubicon from misdemeanors to felonies and become more violent they need to be charged and tried/convicted. One felony rap or a restraining order or violent misdemeanor might have saved 17 people's lives. The pass given to violent offenders is unacceptable and policies such as this create ticking time bombs in schools.
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
>1 y
SSg Jessica Bautista----- Still the bottom line is 17 living humans were gunned down by a mad dog of a human. We can throw out race, pipelines and privileges because the system made 17 victims die when it was clear that he was out of control. There was a huge breakdown in the system and they should be held responsibility. I see nothing political here except the fact that the liberals have lost control in many large cities and states and refuse to do what is right when common sense fails.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
MSgt John McGowan
Cpl Jeff N.

Let me rephrase. Obviously, the system failed on multiple levels. People didn't do their due diligence, they underestimated the danger, whatever else happened.

HOWEVER, this is not an example of the school-to-prison pipeline. It has nothing to do with this case at all. Blame whoever the hell for whatever the hell, but she does not know what she's talking about in this post.
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SSgt Ray Stone
The school to prison pipe line is real
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
Yes, when you commit crimes, even as a high schooler, you need to pay the price especially if they are serious and repetitive. Letting them off the hook with hopes of better behavior is fool hearty at best. The reason schools appear to be a pipeline is young men come of age during those years. They can be the best of times or the worst of times. Depending on your behavior.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
>1 y
Cpl Jeff N. -Yes for serious crimes such as constant fighting,bullying etc. studies have shown there are those that have been disproportionately arrested for minor disruptions. Which is why I believe teachers shouldnt be armed, but thats another discussion
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