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Responses: 14
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
CW4 Guy Butler Always Good to Hear "The Rest of the Story".
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TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
Bullshit article and bullshit reasoning. Linick was appointed by Obama and had made numerous complaints about Trump and the administration. Trump didn’t want him there and he was not working with the administration so away he goes. All other arguments are to drive perspective.

From ABC news: Under Linick, the inspector general's office had repeatedly found fault with the Trump administration's handling of the agency, especially the treatment of career staff and its efforts to remodel its workforce, including a damaging hiring freeze.
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison A U.S. federal inspector general (IG) is the head of an independent, non-partisan organization established within each executive branch agency assigned to audit the agency's operation in order to discover and investigate cases of misconduct, waste, fraud and other abuse of government procedures occurring within the organization. He still reports and answers to the administration.
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
>1 y
MSG Tom Earley I agree, and if there is cause then they will find it. The problem with discussion is that each side is so polarized. This is not the first political appointee that has been fired, but anything this president does is attacked. I am all for investigate and if there is wrongdoing deal with it. Problem is we hear there is wrongdoing in everything for months and months on the end and then it ends up being a nothing burger.
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
>1 y
MSG Tom Earley that makes sense to me. Your aunt was like so many others. If you work in the government you do your job, keep your mouth shut and your nose clean. Political appointees I suspect are a different breed. They can try to remain apolitical or they can be partisan. I would think apolitical might have a longer career but partisan might get you farther in your career as long as your party wins.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
MSG Tom Earley - My wife worked at GSA. Between her military time and her GS time, she spent almost 25 years. She saw the same thing. The higher-ups played politics, while the worker bees kept the work going, accomplishing the mission.
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SSgt Richard Kensinger
This Administration's strategy is to eliminate all challengers and mechanisms of accountability. I think if they could, they would purge all democrats from voting in the upcoming election.
SSG Shauna Holmes
SSG Shauna Holmes
>1 y
Thanks for letting me know that you'd prefer to trample all over my rights in your quest to "legally" make me a 2nd or 3rd class citizen.
Thanks for admitting you want a 1920s society in which I would be killed for wanting to want to exercise any of my constitutional rights.
Thanks for telling me "you did your time, so fck off because you don't get to be a citizen".
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
We are seriously getting a "Hatfield and McCoy" situation in everything politics today and if people do not find a way to stop being 'triggered" it is only going to get worse. Last time I believe it got this bad, 650,000 Americans died. People are not talking to each other anymore, they just get angry.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
Every other administration has gotten rid of people that did not fit their mission and vision and I thought that was bad then. Difference is, I thought it was bad in previous administrations and most people did not care. President Trump does it and now they care. Nothing new here, move along.
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
>1 y
SSG Shauna Holmes believe he was stating they were acting like morons and shouldn’t be voted for. I’d like to think that we could find better across the board, but we never do. Anything else you read into that post is on you.
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