Posted on Jul 12, 2016
Former Miss Alabama Suspended From TV Gig for Calling Dallas Sniper a ‘Martyr’
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Sgt Tom Cunnally
She should lose all future TV gigs! This is a clear-cut case of racism at its finest.
She should lose all future TV gigs! This is a clear-cut case of racism at its finest.
She is entitled to think what she wants, say what she wants, believe what she wants. She IS a citizen. When we begin to nit pick at her and not ask her what she means, giving her a chance to explain her side, then who are we protecting? What makes us ANY better than those we condemn for suppressing and censoring views that are counter to us?
I've watched Guiliani get on tv and say some extremely FOUL things about minorities. Now I'm not the butthurt type, but he actually believed "Stop and Frisk" was ok. Now if stop and frisk was applied equally, that would be one thing, but it wasn't. It was done in every part of NYC BUT Manhattan. Now the federal law prohibits profiling, but he got away with it for years, and when the current Mayor struck it down, Guiliani went ballistic. Is the cop that shoves a kid against a car on a "random' check doing his job? Is singling out minorities to get money from doing their job (ala Ferguson)? How about driving up on a 12yr old and the kid is dead before the car even stops? Are all these men "pillars" of our community?
You had GI Joe cop who claimed BLM had shot him. They tore down everything looking for these "BLM members" and it turned out it was a hoax. Now for those that were affected, do you think they got an apology from the police?
In NYC under Guiliani a man was leaving a club where he was having his bachelor party. He gets outside and was shot to death. Any apologies? The man affected is dead. Can't tell his side can he?
In NYC another man was on his front porch and killed (George Tillman) by NYPD. How are you sitting there literally doing nothing and get blasted into the next cosmos?
Det. Patrick Cherry lambasting an UBER driver when the detective was in the wrong?
OK Cop repeatedly raped minority women. No one gave a damn being he knew specifically what he was looking for, he knew if it came down to someone believing him or them, he wins instantly.
In Tulsa OK, a rent a cop who was "friends" with the Chief comes up on a scene and shoots a man and claims he accidentally grabbed the wrong thing. Anyone who's had to carry all that BS on you belt sets it up just so there is no mistaking what is what and where. You go through drills in relaxed situations and in others to simulate pressure and quick thinking. How do you mistake a taser for your service weapon? If you can, you need to be off the streets ASAP. But he was friends with the Chief, donated cars and money to the local PD, and was a "reserve" officer who had no recent training.
I think this video sums it up. Some are going to say that "I don't understand"...think so? "I don't know what I'm talking about"...think so? "I'm not a cop"....that is actually something I heard from a cop who had complete disdain for MP's. Said he'd hire grunts before us. But I guess I wouldn't understand. One thing I remembered from my DS to my last 1SG as an MP was "We're the worst thing that has ever happened. So we have to be better mentally, stronger physically, and able to think on a higher and faster level than those who appose us". They were spot on. And we trained on it. Want to carry apray? No problem. You're gonna be sprayed first. Taser? Sure. Get ready. When I look at some of these shootings, I see it both ways. I see some cops who know the line and law will protect them. They know all the "right" phrases to use to back themselves up. Know when to put on an act of how sorry they are, but go home and it's just another day. In some of them the public knows they have body cams. Instantly the cams weren't working, they were dislodged in the altercation, or they just didn't put it on.
I then get into the deflection by stats game. Well a black man is more likely to be shot by another black man according to the UCR the FBI maintains that is NOT a requirement to be filled in by all departments. I'm speaking directly about police on civilian shootings and now we are talking about black on black crime? Are you that weak in your argument we had to go there? Then there are the news experts. I listened to a video of a Faux News expert on weapons on a FB site about weapons. She stated the ONLY difference between an assault rifle and a hunting rifle is the size of the scope. I've never been hunting, but my issued M4 didn't have a scope. It had a 68. The weapons I own now, have scopes on them, but they're on there for a reason and hunting isn't it. Distance shooting is why, but when I get my Elcan Spectre DR, I guess I'll have my "hunting scope" by her standards. The man who shot those police officers is a piece of shit. He's lower than low to me, an embarrassment to the uniform he wore, and to me as a fellow Black man. I will not say anything to remotely make it seem we have anything in common other than the ability to stand when we pee (and between us, I'm the ONLY one able to do that). While I can do that openly, how come the PD's themselves cannot do the same? I looked at a video from NYC where a DJ is talking to a cop and he asks "you know one of yours made a mistake. Why can you not admit it was a mistake...a deadly one and come clean". That is NOT an unreasonable question being we hear it in regards to terrorists, we hear it in regards to the ghettos "policy of snitches get stitches"..or worse. In this cops case, he used every bit of deflection to not say his peer was wrong. But when you KNOW one of yours is wrong, you cannot call him out? Every cop that dies in the LOD is a hero. A martyr of sorts. He was fighting the good fight. What is the difference between her believing that man was a martyr (of some kind I don't know) and a cop was clearly doing wrong, caught, and processed being called a hero and a Martyr of Justice? This Judge OWNED this cop before sending his ass on. She outlines some serious issues and how he used the line to protect him. I copied and pasted the link but it keeps deflecting to this. Here is another link that shows some more of what the problem is (MI Judge laying into racist cop) (NYC cop won't admit they are also wrong)
I've watched Guiliani get on tv and say some extremely FOUL things about minorities. Now I'm not the butthurt type, but he actually believed "Stop and Frisk" was ok. Now if stop and frisk was applied equally, that would be one thing, but it wasn't. It was done in every part of NYC BUT Manhattan. Now the federal law prohibits profiling, but he got away with it for years, and when the current Mayor struck it down, Guiliani went ballistic. Is the cop that shoves a kid against a car on a "random' check doing his job? Is singling out minorities to get money from doing their job (ala Ferguson)? How about driving up on a 12yr old and the kid is dead before the car even stops? Are all these men "pillars" of our community?
You had GI Joe cop who claimed BLM had shot him. They tore down everything looking for these "BLM members" and it turned out it was a hoax. Now for those that were affected, do you think they got an apology from the police?
In NYC under Guiliani a man was leaving a club where he was having his bachelor party. He gets outside and was shot to death. Any apologies? The man affected is dead. Can't tell his side can he?
In NYC another man was on his front porch and killed (George Tillman) by NYPD. How are you sitting there literally doing nothing and get blasted into the next cosmos?
Det. Patrick Cherry lambasting an UBER driver when the detective was in the wrong?
OK Cop repeatedly raped minority women. No one gave a damn being he knew specifically what he was looking for, he knew if it came down to someone believing him or them, he wins instantly.
In Tulsa OK, a rent a cop who was "friends" with the Chief comes up on a scene and shoots a man and claims he accidentally grabbed the wrong thing. Anyone who's had to carry all that BS on you belt sets it up just so there is no mistaking what is what and where. You go through drills in relaxed situations and in others to simulate pressure and quick thinking. How do you mistake a taser for your service weapon? If you can, you need to be off the streets ASAP. But he was friends with the Chief, donated cars and money to the local PD, and was a "reserve" officer who had no recent training.
I think this video sums it up. Some are going to say that "I don't understand"...think so? "I don't know what I'm talking about"...think so? "I'm not a cop"....that is actually something I heard from a cop who had complete disdain for MP's. Said he'd hire grunts before us. But I guess I wouldn't understand. One thing I remembered from my DS to my last 1SG as an MP was "We're the worst thing that has ever happened. So we have to be better mentally, stronger physically, and able to think on a higher and faster level than those who appose us". They were spot on. And we trained on it. Want to carry apray? No problem. You're gonna be sprayed first. Taser? Sure. Get ready. When I look at some of these shootings, I see it both ways. I see some cops who know the line and law will protect them. They know all the "right" phrases to use to back themselves up. Know when to put on an act of how sorry they are, but go home and it's just another day. In some of them the public knows they have body cams. Instantly the cams weren't working, they were dislodged in the altercation, or they just didn't put it on.
I then get into the deflection by stats game. Well a black man is more likely to be shot by another black man according to the UCR the FBI maintains that is NOT a requirement to be filled in by all departments. I'm speaking directly about police on civilian shootings and now we are talking about black on black crime? Are you that weak in your argument we had to go there? Then there are the news experts. I listened to a video of a Faux News expert on weapons on a FB site about weapons. She stated the ONLY difference between an assault rifle and a hunting rifle is the size of the scope. I've never been hunting, but my issued M4 didn't have a scope. It had a 68. The weapons I own now, have scopes on them, but they're on there for a reason and hunting isn't it. Distance shooting is why, but when I get my Elcan Spectre DR, I guess I'll have my "hunting scope" by her standards. The man who shot those police officers is a piece of shit. He's lower than low to me, an embarrassment to the uniform he wore, and to me as a fellow Black man. I will not say anything to remotely make it seem we have anything in common other than the ability to stand when we pee (and between us, I'm the ONLY one able to do that). While I can do that openly, how come the PD's themselves cannot do the same? I looked at a video from NYC where a DJ is talking to a cop and he asks "you know one of yours made a mistake. Why can you not admit it was a mistake...a deadly one and come clean". That is NOT an unreasonable question being we hear it in regards to terrorists, we hear it in regards to the ghettos "policy of snitches get stitches"..or worse. In this cops case, he used every bit of deflection to not say his peer was wrong. But when you KNOW one of yours is wrong, you cannot call him out? Every cop that dies in the LOD is a hero. A martyr of sorts. He was fighting the good fight. What is the difference between her believing that man was a martyr (of some kind I don't know) and a cop was clearly doing wrong, caught, and processed being called a hero and a Martyr of Justice? This Judge OWNED this cop before sending his ass on. She outlines some serious issues and how he used the line to protect him. I copied and pasted the link but it keeps deflecting to this. Here is another link that shows some more of what the problem is (MI Judge laying into racist cop) (NYC cop won't admit they are also wrong)

Sean Bell is killed after cops blasted 50 bullets in 2006
Cops blasted 50 bullets at three unarmed men near a Queens strip club.
SSG Warren Swan
Sgt Tom Cunnally - Can you show me in 1A where there is a list of words that anyone is NOT allowed to say? Can you show me where she was born?
She's an American just like you, me, and anyone else. 1A guarantees you the right to say what the hell you feel like. I also tell folks that 1A also gives employers lefts to counter your rights. She exercised her 1A rights, and her employer exercised their 1A lefts meaning pack your shit and leave out the door to your left.
The use of the word "Martyr" means different things to different folks. I know how I see it. Is it the same way YOU do? Can it hold dual meanings where the two of us agree, but someone else says otherwise? MLK was shot at a hotel with a man with a rifle. Would it be wrong to say King was a Martyr to the Civil Rights cause? How about a hero? Malcolm X was killed by the NOI after his pilgrimage and finding out there were white Muslims. Was his enlightenment and subsequent death cause for him to be a Martyr for Civil Rights? Can't use hero I reckon being he was a criminal and a Muslim huh? Snowden? Depending on who you ask, he IS a hero and a Martyr for exposing how we gained surveillance and who we did it too. How about Harvey Milk, Black Wall Street, JFK, and others who died supporting a cause? Or is it the cause WE want that dictates who is a hero a martyr, or some poor sap who was at the wrong place at the wrong time?
She's an American just like you, me, and anyone else. 1A guarantees you the right to say what the hell you feel like. I also tell folks that 1A also gives employers lefts to counter your rights. She exercised her 1A rights, and her employer exercised their 1A lefts meaning pack your shit and leave out the door to your left.
The use of the word "Martyr" means different things to different folks. I know how I see it. Is it the same way YOU do? Can it hold dual meanings where the two of us agree, but someone else says otherwise? MLK was shot at a hotel with a man with a rifle. Would it be wrong to say King was a Martyr to the Civil Rights cause? How about a hero? Malcolm X was killed by the NOI after his pilgrimage and finding out there were white Muslims. Was his enlightenment and subsequent death cause for him to be a Martyr for Civil Rights? Can't use hero I reckon being he was a criminal and a Muslim huh? Snowden? Depending on who you ask, he IS a hero and a Martyr for exposing how we gained surveillance and who we did it too. How about Harvey Milk, Black Wall Street, JFK, and others who died supporting a cause? Or is it the cause WE want that dictates who is a hero a martyr, or some poor sap who was at the wrong place at the wrong time?
Sgt Tom Cunnally
SSG Warren Swan - Then why was the former Miss Alabama suspended and her boss had to issue an apology for her words .....And yes the word "Martyr" just doesn't fit Micah Johnson very well for many of us & has some going ballistic I'll bet this young woman realizes she screwed up royally and will seek advice from her attorney or pastor and issue heartfelt apology & move on.. I hope for that and I believe you do also or I will have you doing pushups again for a few days..
And don't think you can scare me with your new profile photo just will not fly
And don't think you can scare me with your new profile photo just will not fly
SSG Warren Swan
Sgt Tom Cunnally - Look you jarheads want to be all pretty and sexy, but a Soldier is butt ugly 25/8 and we get the job done.
I'm not justifying how and who she used it on, but I am saying she CAN use it. We don't have to like it, but I've heard worse. Hell if I lived in NYC in the 90's and early 2000's I'd be stopped and frisked for no reason other than...."I fit a stereotype or profile". And the clown behind it ran for President. If that is accepted as a "norm" in America, then the use or improper use of a word, phrase, or action should be accepted.
I'm not justifying how and who she used it on, but I am saying she CAN use it. We don't have to like it, but I've heard worse. Hell if I lived in NYC in the 90's and early 2000's I'd be stopped and frisked for no reason other than...."I fit a stereotype or profile". And the clown behind it ran for President. If that is accepted as a "norm" in America, then the use or improper use of a word, phrase, or action should be accepted.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
SSG Warren Swan - The only thing I agree with is "but a Soldier is butt ugly".. I think you have a thing for the former Miss Alabama and that is why you are defending her. But sources close to this story have said she prefers Marines in Dress Blues to butt ugly old solders. So give it up& get ready for the All Star Baseball game tonight ..
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