I love rankings like this. Which nation is the freest, happiest, etc. All subjective measures. Personally, I would be "free" wherever I lived. The only real question that concerns me is, would I survive exercising that freedom. Obviously, I'm not as safe here in the US as I once was. No, no one is going to kill me for acting out my freedom in America, but I sure as hell have become unpopular for it. It seems that almost half of America is freedom adverse. They want a big, paternalistic government. They want to shed themselves of the responsibility that comes with freedom. They even accuse me (and others who think like me) of being insurrectionists. Well, they hit the mark with that one. I am an insurrectionist. How fortunate for them that I am too old to take up arms to fight as vigorously as they are willing to take away the arms that may be used to force them to live free or die. They put me in mind of the Tories who fought vehemently to maintain the Colonies in allegiance to the King. Interestingly, during the American Revolution, the population was divided roughly into thirds: One third insurrectionists, one third Tories, and one third headed west to get the hell out of the fight. These days we are more evenly divided. I find very few who want to swim the Pacific to stay out of this fight...