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Responses: 16
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
Sgt Kelli Mays, If he wouldn't have made such a spectacle of himself before he started getting serious, people would take him seriously. He needs to lay off the lying Hillary, and the lying news media, and concentrate more on what he plans to do, and how he's going to do it.
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SGT Edward Wilcox
Trump's speech, and your support of it and the policies he suggested, are the results of willful ignorance of international politics, recent history, and the true nature of Islam.

To bully Middle Eastern countries about their human rights abuses, while refusing to acknowledge and correct our own, is the very height of hypocrisy. Pres. Obama was correct in acknowledging that hypocrisy and refusing to continue with it. Trump was for the invasion of Iraq before he was against it. The removal of Hussein, the one stabilizing force in Iraq, was Bush's idea, not Obama's. The pull out from Iraq was Bush's idea, not Obama's. ISIS grew out of Al Qaeda in Iraq, a group that did not exist until after the removal of Hussein. Iraq refused to renegotiate the Status of Forces Agreement that would have allowed us to stay in Iraq with larger numbers. Not Obama's fault.

Syria would still be engulfed in a civil war that grew out of the Arab Spring in 2011. ISIS did not cause or start that war, they simply took great advantage of it. The civil war in Libya was also a result of the Arab Spring. We a helped the rebels take out Qaddafi, the only stabilizing force. Our only mistake was not learning from our involvement in the Baltics. This allowed ISIS to move in and marginalize the moderate rebels. Egypt, the epicenter of the Arab Spring, removed a secular and brutal dictator from power. A dictator that was supported by us. It is no wonder they want nothing to do with us now.

Sharia'a Law is not what you think it is. I suggest you do a little research about it. The large majority of Muslims coming to this country are not at all interested in establishing it here. Frankly, I am more concerned about the Christians that are already here trying to establish there own versions of Sharia'a.

In listing all of the recent terrorist attacks, Trump, and you, willfully ignore that there are many times more Muslims killed by ISIS in the Middle East, than Christians and other faiths, both in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Would you support the continued military support we give Saudi Arabia, knowing that the current brand of radical Islamic thinking started Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia, and that Saudi Arabia is the largest single supporter of that branch of Islam? Or that most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi's?

It is our constant bullying around the globe that has brought so many enemies to our doorstep. Wanting to change our role in the world is not naive. It is about time we stopped buoying up ruthless dictators, and started supporting the oppressed who try to rise up and defeat their oppressors. I remember the Gulf War. I remember Bush Sr. inciting rebellion against Hussein after the war, then leaving the rebels to fend for themselves. I remember the carnage brought by a former ally to the United States against his own people. I don't think we should be allies with dictators. I don't think we should summarily stop immigration from certain areas based on fear and bigotry. That is not who we, as Americans, are.
SN Mike Holcomb
SN Mike Holcomb
>1 y
Cpl (Join to see) - wish I could share that. Your spot on.
SN Mike Holcomb
SN Mike Holcomb
>1 y
SGT Edward Wilcox - wow! Dude! Find the nearest mental health facility. Something is wrong!
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
8 y
SN Mike Holcomb - Next time, try to contribute to the conversation.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
8 y
Sgt Kelli Mays - The Orlando shooting had nothing to do with ISIS and Islam. He told the police about his 'allegiance' to ISIS to throw them off. It was more about self loathing than it was about religion.
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SSG Drill Sergeant
Edited >1 y ago
It is fear mongering. A lot of the stuff Trump is putting out is suited to his message. The foundations of ISIS can be traced back to the Bush Administration. There is no mention of the Arab Spring and how it turned the Middle East upside down. There is no mention of how a division of Iraqi soldiers deserted their post giving ISIS the credibility they needed to springboard onto the international scene. There's no mention of how President Obama let Congress decide on whether we should act in Syria or not. Remember that helped get Speaker Boehner to step down. We can knock President Obama all we want on how bad he's been on foreign policy [if you want to call it that] but if you research the facts and look at the whole picture, ISIS has risen because of our inability to come up with a strategy that isn't boots on the ground and install a leader that's friendly to the U.S. The world is getting much intricate with social media, so doing the same thing over like we always do, isn't going to work anymore.
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) It is NOT fear Mongering....and I"m talking about Vetting folks coming to the US.... It is common sense. Why wouldn't you want to make sure that folks coming over here from certain parts of the world should higher standards of vetting...and why wouldn't you want to make sure that if folks cannot pass the vetting process, that they should not be let into the country? I do not call this FEAR...but common sense.
....and since you mentioned it....ISIS doesn't go back to the BUSH administration...It started after the war and when obama was in...when he pulled to troops out too early......and the IRAQ troops were NO where READY to be left on their own...one thing BUSH admin said...we would not leave till we were SURE they could handle it on their own...till we helped re build and re structure things....which DID NOT happen because the troops were pulled out too early....and therefore some of the troops left their posts and ISIS who was just beginning at the time...stole a lot of US equipment that was given to the IRAQ's and other...the SUNI....ISIS was born in SYRIA...SYRIA which was basically dismantled with help by HILLARY and deals she made....the story goes on and on and on....and as you are quick to blame bush...as you mention I am quick to blame obama...there is MUCH more to this HISTORY...but I digress. This post is about points made by Trump...which YOU OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T see his speech or READ IT....cause it has nothing to do with how you commented about it.
SGT (Join to see) PO1 John Miller Cpl (Join to see)
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Why does everything have to be caused by Bush? He was a good patriot and President. He was no better than the information he received from trusted sources, and his military cabinet. Someone got it wrong accidentally or on purpose about WMD's. Bush would not have gone into Iraq if he had been assured there were no WMD's. If you want to get technical, had Sadam not invaded Kuwait, we wouldn't have been involved in any of it.
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
SSG (Join to see)
So how would you propose we fight terrorism? Because our current and last CINC haven't done the greatest job. What would you do different?
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