Posted on Jun 28, 2019
German far-right group 'used police data to compile death list'
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
As with most right wind death squads, it starts with a few police and military sources or members, and then take on a live of their own if the government is authoritarian, fascist, or extreme. This is not to say that left wing extremists do not do the same thing. But, the climate has to left for that side to be able to do this too!
Hacking is not the major way for a group like this to 'prep' for terrorism. Most groups this small do not have either the expertise or the resources to do this. They get their support from like minded thinkers who are extreme themselves.
And, we had a former Army officer join the Coast Guard who had created his own death list using his access to intelligence through his job! Had he been able to connect with like minded people in Washington DC or the surrounding states, you could have had the same thing happen right here! And, who knows if it would not have turned out like the McVeigh terrorist group? (Sorry Army, those are the two most known incidences most people can remember right off hand!)
I had a Marine exchange pilot stationed with me in Detroit Mich. Every flight prep and every mission, he stated his goal was to protect the US from the Damn Canadian and to shot them! And, Like an Navy exchange pilot in Houston would say, his job was to protect the US from the damn Mexicans. Both used racial, ethnic, and nationalistic slurs. They meant their hate and contempt, but were protected by the officer corps. They carried guns of a rescue helicopter against US Law and US Transportation and Coast Guard regulations for a rescue helicopter.
So, this occurred across all services. And, it could happen here! Today.
Remember the skin heads enlisting to gain military training and to recruit new members? Remember the KKK doing the same think before that? What were all their intentions? To prepare for and cause a civil war to spread their hate and fear through terrorism of those not like them or who did not think like them.
We are suppose to be better then this. As Christians, many of us say we are. But, does US history bear that fact out? I wonder sometimes.
Hacking is not the major way for a group like this to 'prep' for terrorism. Most groups this small do not have either the expertise or the resources to do this. They get their support from like minded thinkers who are extreme themselves.
And, we had a former Army officer join the Coast Guard who had created his own death list using his access to intelligence through his job! Had he been able to connect with like minded people in Washington DC or the surrounding states, you could have had the same thing happen right here! And, who knows if it would not have turned out like the McVeigh terrorist group? (Sorry Army, those are the two most known incidences most people can remember right off hand!)
I had a Marine exchange pilot stationed with me in Detroit Mich. Every flight prep and every mission, he stated his goal was to protect the US from the Damn Canadian and to shot them! And, Like an Navy exchange pilot in Houston would say, his job was to protect the US from the damn Mexicans. Both used racial, ethnic, and nationalistic slurs. They meant their hate and contempt, but were protected by the officer corps. They carried guns of a rescue helicopter against US Law and US Transportation and Coast Guard regulations for a rescue helicopter.
So, this occurred across all services. And, it could happen here! Today.
Remember the skin heads enlisting to gain military training and to recruit new members? Remember the KKK doing the same think before that? What were all their intentions? To prepare for and cause a civil war to spread their hate and fear through terrorism of those not like them or who did not think like them.
We are suppose to be better then this. As Christians, many of us say we are. But, does US history bear that fact out? I wonder sometimes.
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