Posted on Jan 6, 2022
Gettr—Twitter-Like Right-Wing Platform—Claims User Surge After Plugs By Rogan, Marjorie Taylor...
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
SPC Steven Depuy
1SG (Join to see) - According to that, didn't it say she went from pro life to pro choice? I know for me, my views have changed a lot since 2004 about many things in life. All I can tell you is this. My wife and I own a small cottage in Delaware, and spend our weekends there in warm weather. We have friends who are Democrats, Republicans, Pro Trump, Pro Bernie, Pro Joe, and we all get along, and some times even have good open talks about things. Our friend Joan grew up in a world without guns. I have a cc carry permit, and used to hunt a lot when I was younger. I have been able to talk about guns with her, and get where she comes from, and she gets me. Now the weird thing about that, is I can't stand the NRA. They remind me of a TV preacher, just stoking the crowd to get money. Growing up, if I have this right, which the mind is not what it once was, but I am pretty sure that there was a time you could not own an AR. Then congress let a law lapse, and it changed. Now you have the fight. Some people just scream though shalt not infringe, when I don't agree with them about certain things, like being able to own 30 round magazines, and things like that. I get both sides of the issue, and certainly don't have a lot of trust of the government and politicians, but I also don't want to live in a western movie with everyone packing and shooting people who piss them off either. In the end, we live in a world with a media who click baits us with story headlines to get us to tune in and get emotionally involved. Then you have the guy show up at the baseball practice and shoot people after being convinced all GOP people are demons, and the guy show up at the pizza parlor armed to free the kids he believed were held there as pedo prisoners, and there were no kids there, and he is now in jail because he listened to the stories that flew around. So much of the hatred everyone has is a result of that kind of stuff. I no longer vote for people, I usually vote against people and pick the person who I think is the least damaging to be in power. But then again, what truly good person would get involved in this political system. My wife and I were big Ben Carson fans in 2016. Look at what Cruz's people did to the man in the primaries. He learned a hard lesson there, and I am sure is enjoying his life out of politics now. But even when he was at HUD, and trying to fix a broken system, they constantly came after him about things, like the furniture he thought he was supposed to have to meet people. Compared to the door knobs President Trump put in the White House, and that where then changed when President Biden took off when he got in, i suspect that furniture was a drop in the bucket.
1SG (Join to see)
SPC Steven Depuy - Sorry I forgot to include this
We should encourage and pursue coalitions across the aisle to protect the unborn.
SPC Steven Depuy
1SG (Join to see) - To me, that's what I was trying to talking about. She is against certain things in regard to abortion, but not trying to ban them completely. Its like me being pro gun, but not supporting many NRA views. You don't have to agree with everything your side says. If you think people who own guns should have to have a permit, like I have, the NRA crowd screams at you. I get part of their issue, who decides when my permit can be taken away then. Its a slippery slope. If a baby is born alive during an abortion, what are you supposed to do then? Where do you drawn the line as to when its human, and when its a chunk of flesh. The answers are hard to that to me.
1SG (Join to see)
SPC Steven Depuy - Right... but she went from very few restrictions if any to where she is now. Who is to say if she gets elected that she doesn't go back to her original stance. I can't get behind someone who does that unless they are the best our of the pack.
This is a collective of folks who demonstrate low high levels of disintegration. So they have a great deal in common.
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