Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
The gun control logic is idiotic and it amazes me how common people can fall for thier crap
Excellent article. As I have said before, if the current laws on the books were enforced, we have enough laws. More laws will only be ignored or circumvented by the criminal and psychotic elements of our society.
What I don’t get is that many of these gun control laws defy logic and deny human nature. But yet, many folks can’t see the idiocy of the laws.
Maj Robert Thornton
SMSgt Thor Merich one thing that we have to look at when politicians start spouting "sensible gun control" what they really mean is gun confiscation. Sen Fienstein has mentioned it in the past. These people want to rule the American people. The only way that can happen is if they disarm the populace. They have been in Congress so long (and somehow made millions) that they have forgotten they are not leaders or rulers, they are REPRESENTATIVES. They are supposed to be representing the people in their district and/or state, period!.
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