Posted on Oct 26, 2016
Harassed On Twitter: 'People Need To Know The Reality Of What It's Like Out There'
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 4
Life is not Fair and Damn sure not going to be tolerant of Liberal whining and complaining or safe places...
SSG Jessica Bautista
PO2 William Allen Crowder -
His Family Attacked by Trump Deplorables, National Review's David French Speaks Out
"I distinctly remember the first time I saw a picture of my then-seven-year-old [African-American] daughter’s face in a gas chamber..."
Sgt Wayne Wood
SSG Jessica Bautista - i don't believe children should be on the internet without adult supervision
He feeds into the insanity because it gives him more support from the uneducated.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SPC Phil Norton - I skimmed this, and when I saw Planned Parenthood and KKK, I was reassured that this wasn't worth reading. Thanks though.
SPC Phil Norton
TSgt Frank Shirley - nope sorry that would be Democrats if by minorities you mean illegal aliens you are correct but I remember Regan and it was the best time in our modern history why because racial tensions were lower he rebuilt the middle class and the economy boomed What has Obama done destroyed the middle class increased our debt lost our jobs the debt is historical and so are racial tensions and Hillary says I want to continue his good work lol what good work? Job growth lol pitiful compared to the amount of jobs lost I don't know I shake my head what's Trump going to do to hurt America? I know Hillary will post radical SCOTUS that will shred the constitution
SSG Jessica Bautista
SPC Phil Norton - I'm sorry (not really), but you're going to have to read the other comments on this thread for my rebuttals. Your version of truth is garbage.
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