Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I'd looked into the concept for quite some time. When my family lost our Dad some yrs ago, why and how isn't important, I'm just relating how that bears on what's here (he'd been Navy, incidentally, not that his having been is related to this), I'd actually looked into the whole topic for him. There'd been something that had happened while he'd been hospitalized, not a stroke, per se, however, the functional equivalent of one, for all clinical practical purposes. I'd looked into the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) being used for stroke and/or other major neurologic injuries, my family did speak with one another about it. Obviously, when the whole thing had happened, I hadn't been in the greatest shape at that point, of course, I'd only emphasize that all that was back in 2004, over 13 urs ago, just to give some perspective about all of it. What I'd found out, and why my family deemed that we couldn't use it in his case had been that, even if there'd been any positive effect, the sheer functional damage he'd had was so severe, that, even if it had worked to any extent, that it could possibly have merely produced, from what we, esp. I, had researched, a higher, only slightly more cognitive vegetative state, such that he'd have still needed continual care, given the level of damage. His level of lucidity we of course couldn't have predicted, nor his level of cognition resulting from such a method. In the case of my brother in law (who'd been USAF, though, once again, that's unrelated here), he was lost due to cervical fracture stemming from a car accident, which had happened slightly before what happened with my Dad in our family. We, esp. I, had also looked at HBOY in such a case there, which is also wny I'd looked into it for my Dad, on our side of the family, later on. Once again, even if there'd been any benefit, while my brother in law had not suffered a stroke, the damage was still nevertheless so severe that any level of neuromuscular or diaphragmatic respiratory benefit, I'd found out, could still have, likewise, have left him, while more cognizant, in that case, so severely damaged, that my wife's family opted to not have it dome, which I realized, obviously only after the fact, of course, had been the correct thought, unfortunately. As I've mentioned on here, I'm totally and permanently disabled now, unfortunately, however, when I'd been in clinical training, I'd quite extensively researched HBOT for use in wound care. I did actually try to write a dissertation on the chaotic nonlinear dynamics of how skin regenerates under HBOT, though, unfortunately, I got too ill to ever have it published. I'd also looked quite heavily into various more modern approaches for PTSD, purely out of clinical interest, only reading, mind you, in various clinical journals, e.g., transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial AC stim (TACS), transcranial DC stim (TDCS), and newer material on transcranial ultrasound (TUS). I'd also read of a procedure called stellate ganglion block (SGB), that there's been a good deal of interest in of late, that was an effort at modernizing such SGB research done previously in Europe, possibly in Sweden, Norway, or one of the Scandianivam countries, if anyone might care to look it up at all. There was also a technique I'd gotten a text on dealing with eye motion desensitization regimen (EMDR), involving a type of saccadic eye movement that had been thought to be of possible benefit such neurologic disorders, though I'd read various things about its efficacy. I've also read of combined approaches involving TMS combined with biofeedback as well as quantitative EEG (qEEG), not merely for TBI, but also Alzheimer's, as well as biophotonic stim methods, either transcranially, or, possibly, also, intra-retinally, directly through the eye. Please understand, my wife and I had me shut my doctoral level allied health license sevl urs ago now, and I was never a physician, I !merely wanted to !make that clear, certainly. Though disabled, I obv try to stay as scientifically current as possible, certainly, despite such circu!stances, and just !merely plow through clinical and.or bioengineering/biophysics journals, just to keep my mind active. I only thought to mention those methods here, merely to try to make others Jere aware that I'd merely read of such other approaches, as well as because I'd merely thought that the anecdotal circuit!stances for our family of my having looked into HBOT to the extent I had just seemed germane to the discussion here I'm of course by no means an expert on such methods, though, as I said, while I'd been in residency before getting ill, I had, as I'd explained, tried to do some level of research on the topic, albeit, of course, for an entirely different purpose, though, of course, I'd read of, and knew about, such HBOT uses for other disorders, certainly. I hope that was at least of some interest, and/or use, I'd be most eager to hear any thoughts, by all means, what I'd said here was of course purely meant as conversational information, nothing more, please understand, many thanks.
Thanks LCDR Gordon Brown for sharing your experience on treating his traumatic brain injury through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
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