Posted on May 25, 2016
Here are the most critical parts of the State Department inspector general report on Clinton’s...
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 2
The basics I have gathered is that she and her staff did not follow DOS policies regarding computer security. MAJ Andrew Ready not that I expect anything to come of it.
MAJ Andrew Ready
i doubt much will happen either. If anyone else did what she did the heads would be rolling. I just think its double standards at its worst
LTC (Join to see)
MAJ Andrew Ready - Different spanks for different ranks... which upsets me greatly. What happened to equality and JUSTICE?
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
It wasn't just the computer security policies, it was the Federal laws on Records Management too. It is illegal to destroy an official record without the appropriate authorization and in accordance with Federal standards.
I've been essentially saying all this and more all along. As the guy who used to give the same expert advise and guidance on federal records management requirements to senior military leaders, Sec Clinton was absolutely taking this issue to a whole new level. The punishment for what she has done include an option of jail time, fines, and most importantly, she should not be allowed to serve in a Federal job again (that includes the Office of the President).
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