What will be the next step in our military history? Will senior NCO's begin "mentoring" younger recruits as the Greek Spartans were famous for doing?
http://www.pbs.org/empires/thegreeks/background/19a_p1.htmlREPORT: "In an historic and controversial move, the Pentagon on Thursday lifted its longstanding ban on transgender troops and began outlining how the military will begin allowing — and paying for — service members to transition, medically and officially, from one gender to another."
And in a completely unrelated study:
ABSTRACT: "Results. GID (gender identity disorder) prevalence in the VHA is higher (22.9/100 000 persons) than are previous estimates of GID in the general US population (4.3/100 000 persons). The rate of suicide-related events among GID-diagnosed VHA veterans was more than 20 times higher than were rates for the general VHA population.
Conclusions. The prevalence of GID diagnosis nearly doubled over 10 years among VHA veterans. Research is needed to examine suicide risk among transgender veterans and how their VHA utilization may be enhanced by new VA initiatives on transgender care.
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