Posted on Dec 14, 2016
Here is the worst defense of climate change skepticism that you will ever see
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 4
Okay, let's be clear. The majority of scientists don't know anything about climate. Climatology is a branch of physics, a very narrow, specialized branch. Next, virtually all climatologists would defend the principle of climate change. The climate changes. Has changed. Is changing. Will change. The part in dispute is how significant the change is and how significant is the impact of human activity. The study that purported that 97% of scientists agreed that man's influence is having a dramatic effect on climate was written by an Australian who surveyed papers written about climate change. He said that only 97% agreed. Well, that was wrong. All agree. The question is what do they agree on. Using prejudiced criteria, he reported that they agreed on man having a catastrophic effect on climate. Totally untrue. If 97% agreed on anything, it's that there is insufficient data to make any determination (and I can prove that contention to be true). One of the worst canards I've heard is "The science is settled". As the referenced person said, science has frequently been wrong throughout the ages. It didn't begin getting anything correct until the advent and universal acceptance of the scientific method which is firmly founded on the principle that "The science is never settled". The real problem we're faced with today is that ideologues who are determined to control people through fear-mongering are using climate change as a vehicle for their agenda and they have found disreputable pseudo-scientists like Al Gore and a few "scientists" of questionable virtue and ethics to make lurid pronouncements to stoke up the masses.
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I am one who believes that the earth is going through a cyclical change, but this interview makes this guy look clueless...
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