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Responses: 4
CPT Jack Durish
Some will most likely merge this discussion thread with the other one: "IG: Hillary Clinton Emails..." But I'll copy and past my comment here from that one just in case the admins miss the connection... My guess is that it's about time for someone to fall on their sword for Hillary. They'll take the blame saying that Hillary knew nothing of what they were doing. Demagogues seem to engender that kind of loyalty. Their true believers are like the Storm Troopers in Star Wars
CPO Tim Dickey
CPO Tim Dickey
9 y
CPT Jack Durish, I think its a fair comparison between the Empire and the former SecState.
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SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
We'll see. Typical corrupt progressive so more than likely she won't be convicted.
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
I think it might be useful to recap what the actual email situation is with Hillary vs other cases as I've seen people try and make comparisons to the Patraeus situation, which was completely different. In the Patraeus case, he gave classified material to someone who was not authorized to see it. He knew the material was classified when he did it. That is not what has so far been alleged against Hillary.

The allegation against her is that other people sent her emails containing classified material using the unclass government system to her personal email account on her personal server. It's important to note that while the existence of her personal server is a matter to look at in itself, it is not really relevant to the issue about having classified material on an unclass system. Even if she was using the unclas official state dept system, the violation is the same. You can't send classified emails containing classified material on any unclas system like .mil or .gov.

The responsibility for not doing that obviously lies with the sender. The receiver can't control what emails are received. So the first mistake is that people sent classified emails to Hilary on an unclas system. The next issue is whether the emails were properly marked as classified. This is a requirement regardless of whether the emails are sent on a clas or unclas system. Proper marking insures that everyone handling the emails know the classification. So far, there has been no allegation that any of the classified emails that Hillary received were marked classified. So there is no allegation that Hillary allowed any material marked as classified to remain on the unclas system.

Then the next issue is whether Hilary should have recognized unmarked material as classified. This is much more of a judgement call that is impossible for any intel pundits to answer without knowing specifically what info was on the emails, and what was the source of the classification. This may appear clearcut, that something is obviously classified or not. But in reality it is not clear at all. For example, a piece of information may originate with a classified system, and that info is marked classified. But independent of that sourcing, a totally open source could report the same information and it would appear in unclas documents. Sometimes a group of items that are each unclas individually can become classified when put together.

You can read a TS document and at times you could think you are just reading a newspaper article. In fact, you will often see items marked classified that are widely reported in the media and are common knowledge. So it is very likely that a document or email could contain an item that appears in both clas and unclas sources. This leads to the debates amongst various intel agencies over whether an item is classified or not. One agency may have classified an item from a classified system or source, while another may have developed that same info from unclas sources. This is what is going on now with the Hilary emails. One agency may rule it classified and another disagree. Again, there is no way for the public or news media to know.

So what you generally see in the media is pundits stating hypotheticals without any knowledge of the actual emails or sources. They'll say things like "if this happened, then she is guilty of this" without actually knowing anything. And if they say it is comparable to what Gen Patraeus did, you know immediately they don't know what they are talking about.

So it remains to be seen what the end result will be. One thing to note is that people inadvertently sending classified material over an unclas system is actually a fairly common mistake. It happens in HQs that deal with unclas and clas material daily. It is corrected and is not the end of the world and does not put our democracy at risk. The reason Hillary hasn't been arrested as some would think is that this is most likely a much lower level matter than those with political agendas have made it out to be, and so far nothing has been alleged that indicates she knowingly maintained clas info on the unclas system.
PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
9 y
LTC (Join to see) Please correct me if I am wrong but is one intel agency classifies something, Only they can change that correct? My other issue is I would think she would know sat photos of troop movements was classified so I'm not so sure she is clean. Add to it the email where she told others to remove a classification and then send to her private email shows intent to commit a crime which is a felony. I believe if for no other reason the FBI will recommend charges. If that happens even if Obama protects her, she is done in political life.
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
9 y
PO2 Mark Saffell -I don't believe the investigators have released details on the contents of the emails deemed classified. Ithink you are drawing conclusions from speculation, not facts. The originating classifier is normally the declassification authority. But if you recieve a document from say DIA that is unclassified, you might not even be aware that another agency, say the CIA classified something particular within that document. And unless you had previously seen the CIA document with that particular item marked classified, you would have no way of knowing. That's were they gray area exists in classified material.
PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
9 y
LTC (Join to see) Do you believe when the FBI recommends prosecution that Obama will allow the DOJ to charge her? As far as what you said above. I believe sworn statements have been made and reports filed that they did find classified info on the server.
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
9 y
PO2 Mark Saffell - Mark, I think we may be talking past each other now even though we might not really disagree on the basic issue. I was just trying to bring some context to the pieces of info that have been leaked out so far. For example, no one doubts that some classified info was found on the server But that in and of itself is not a crime of which Hilary would be charged. If I send you a email right now that has info from one of the many SAPs I was read onto, and left the email unmarked, you would then have classified material on your computer. But you wouldn't automatically be charged with a crime. You wouldn't even have known it was classified. That appears to be the case with the bulk of the emails on Hillary's servers

Now, if you in fact had been read on to the SAP I referenced, and had a reasonable expectation that you should have recognized that the info I shared could only have come from that sap, and you still did nothing, that's a different situation. That's the issue I believe is still unresolved or at least not publicly announced, irt Hilary.

If the investigation determines that Hilary mishandled classified material then she should face punishment appropriate to the degree of compromise and her knowing involvment in it. But from past cases it is likely it won't be anywhere as severe as people think. As I mentioned, classified material gets inadvertently released all the time, especially in HQs that deal with it so often and at such high levels that even though it shouldn't, SECRET material is almost looked at as unclas compared to all the SAPs etc they deal with. So mistakes happen. On some computers, all it takes is a switch moved from the right to the left to move you from the classified to the unclassified email systems. Mistakes happen. So as much as the repubs would like to make it seem like the security of the free world was compromised, that's extremely unlikely.

My main point is that we should wait until the actual facts as to the contents of the emails are actually released before rushing to judgement. It is most likely this will end up being considered an administrative screwup and not a huge national security breach.

But that's JMHO based on my experience with classified stuff. Others mileage may vary.
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