Posted on May 19, 2016
How Mitt Romney and His Cohorts Are Putting America On a DANGEROUS Path
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
"rarely asked Barack Obama the hard questions"...I take it the author didn't watch the initial Presidential debates? Romney was handing Obama his ass seven times over. Looking at those debates, Romney was destined to become President. I believe the swing happened after Smokin Joe got hold of Ryan. Ryan wasn't stupid, but he was going against a professional. A WELL season professional who did his homework and was ready for Ryan. At no point in the VP debates did Ryan have control. Obama saw this, was coached, and in the last debate, everything that Romney gave him in the previous debates Obama gave it back in spades. Who became President? This third party thing has been floating around forever this cycle. There has to come a time where you realized you failed, and accept it. The GOP/RNC failed this cycle and being that it's hard to unseat an incumbent President, the GOP needs to have that long talk and figure out how to keep Congress, and win the Presidency in eight years. HRC will be the next POTUS. Liking her doesn't matter, BUT having a third candidate would take out ANY reasonable thought that Trump could pull out the upset.
Dear GOP,
It's 4th and goal. You should've ran the ball instead of throwing the INT.
Dear GOP,
It's 4th and goal. You should've ran the ball instead of throwing the INT.
It's disturbing how the Republican party made Trump sign a loyalty oath, now they will actively campaign for Hillary Clinton because they have a snowballs chance in hell of winning as a third party.
LTC Thomas Tennant
No sense of honor in politics. Romney is showing us how much honor and integrity he and the establishment wing of the GOP. We conservatives have to start hammering with emails, calls and letters those establishment figures like Romney that if they want to keep the congress they better focus on electing Trump to keep HRC out of the White House.
Old news as I understand it. Romney "and his cohorts" have stepped down and called off their search.
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