I did a search for this and didn't see any posting regarding this topic, so I thought I'd share it out. Found out about this only a few days ago. For anyone that isn't aware, as of the first of the year, all veterans with service connected disabilities, Purple Heart recipients, and former POWs with valid VA Identification Card (and marked with one of the three aforementioned categories), and their VA recognized primary caregivers, are now entitled to on-base access of PX/BX stores, Commissary, and MWR facilities. As well, they are eligible to bring guests onto the installation, however, facility access may be limited (I have confirmed with the Commissary at my closest base, Selfridge ANGB, that guests will be permitted into that facility with me). If you fall into these categories and have a base close by to where you live, you may want to read up on this newly restored benefit.