Posted on Sep 25, 2016
In Opinion: Can the new president heal our deep political wounds?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 9
We desperately need someone to heal the division, but as your say, neither of these two are up to that job. To be perfectly fair, neither of these two created the divide. The crack appeared in the Clinton years and has been widening into an abyss ever since. However, like a root that creeps unseen into a fissure in a rock and works in secret for a very long time, the root of this divide is more than 100 years old. It found America's weakness in the time of Woodrow Wilson, when intellectuals decided it was time to attack the sovereignty of We the People and elevate their higher level thinking over the will of us common folk. Only three Presidents stood against the intellectuals in all the years that followed: Calvin Coolidge, Harry S. Truman, and Ronald Reagan. Sadly, none of them succeeded in pruning the tree of destruction and their efforts were quickly overgrown with new, more devastating incursions upon the Constitution. So let's not blame Hillary and Donald. They are the product of the times, not its makers.
CPT Jack Durish
SP5 Christine Conley - Please, allow me to recommend a small book for your reading enjoyment and edification: "The Wisdom of Crowds". Also, allow me to remind you that the sentiment that you have expressed is identical, word-for-word, with the rational used by autocrats, monarchs, and tyrants throughout history to justify their dominion over We the People [login to see] &sr=1-1&keywords=the+wisdom+of+crowds [login to see] &sr=1-1&keywords=the+wisdom+of+crowds The Wisdom of Crowds eBook: James Surowiecki: Kindle Store
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SP5 Christine Conley - Hillary is dangerous and this was the same 40 yrs a go sy LRAFB. The Waterwater scandal, Rose Law Firm and Air Force complaining that she was rude on the C-141. She is evil. Even Sanders would have been better. imho
CPT Jack Durish
SP5 Christine Conley - how is Trump more dangerous? Hillary has set the bar pretty high for danger with repeatedly proven bad judgment and flagrant disregard for the law
Nope. Since Clinton. was elected, there has been a steady decline in respect for the office. It's not Clinton's fault but a mindset change in the US. Before it wasn't everything in your face like it is now. We find things out faster than the President if you watch 24hr news, then add unfounded fears, slanted coverage of the news, personal agendas, and you have a divided nation. It's all made worse by the two parties sending for us to choose the worst candidates in the history of mankind...well the US. Putin's worse overall.
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