Posted on Sep 21, 2017
Is the U.S. Prepared for Islamic State’s Latest Terror Tactic? | RealClearDefense
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
Do you see how bringing Islam has changed culture and help grow a larger central government?
The next thing you know the government will demand more cameras to watch everyone and people to man stations. Then, face reconition technical software...
The next thing you know the government will demand more cameras to watch everyone and people to man stations. Then, face reconition technical software...
SSgt (Join to see) Vehicular Terrorism does to appear to be the New "In Thing" "Fad" I don't know of any good means to deal with it except Intelligence on the Plotters and getting them before they commit.
SSgt (Join to see)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel I think, at least here in the wild wild midwest, there would be fewer victims as more people have the ability to stop said driver once the incident began - if you catch my concealed drift...
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSgt (Join to see) - Having Retired from the "Armed" Services and seen it done Correctly, I'm More concerned with Lots of these "Concealed" Folks Shooting Me by Accident.
SSgt (Join to see)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - which is why I will always advocate for getting the training. Even though MO is now a Constitutional Carry State.
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