Responses: 6
Hope that those that remain are getting hazardous duty pay, they are going to need it. Did you read how we are "knocking on the roof" to warn the civilians of an impending attack? Shades of the bombing in N. Vietnam, Placing our fly boys at risk.
COL Ted Mc
MCPO Roger Collins - Master Chief; Considering that Daesh's "Public Outreach Program" consists (in a VERY large measure) of "Do what we tell you to do or we will kill you and all of your family.", I don't think that it is an incredibly bad idea to adopt a different approach.
Will the current practice result in some Daesh members taking longer to kill than simply carpet bombing everything is sight and adopting the old Vietnam "body count" rule of "Is it demonstrably a water buffalo? If the answer is 'No.', then it is a Vietcong." but substituting "camel" for "water buffalo".
Will the current practice result in some Daesh members taking longer to kill than simply carpet bombing everything is sight and adopting the old Vietnam "body count" rule of "Is it demonstrably a water buffalo? If the answer is 'No.', then it is a Vietcong." but substituting "camel" for "water buffalo".
MCPO Roger Collins
Wonder if they used the "Knock on the roof" tactic in the latest FUBAR on the hospital in Allepo. Who mentioned carpet bombing, unless you have a large number of ISIS/ISIL out in the open. Why are we using B-52s? You need to talk to your brothers in arms in the DOD. With the elections coming up at the end of this year, anything coming from the administration, I consider to be propaganda.
Losing their assets through air strikes and other ventures. Sweet, maybe we can bankrupt them, give them money, and forgive their debts. Only for them to hate us even more and create rifts and anger between the citizenry.
What virgins aren't good enough anymore! Was has the terrorist world come too??
COL Ted Mc
MSgt Michael Bischoff - First; Possibly some of the recruits actually read the handbook and found out that there weren't any promised at all.
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