Posted on May 8, 2022
It’s Time to Change the Climate Conversation, Author Tells RFK, Jr.
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 2
Very interesting take. The single minded approach won't work and is also not very trusting. Returning areas to their native origins helps. But a whole approach would be much better. Some of the new green technologies are actually going to be more harmful. Such as the use of batteries made with highly toxic materials, with no recycling or plan on what to do with them when the are no longer viable. The lead battery issues of the 1960's and early 1970's that were stick piled and leached lead into groundwater. They need to plan through the life cycle all the way to what to do with items that are exhausted. Some of the thing they are proposing will made pollution worse without thinking through to the other side. Study cause and effect deeper on everything. Things used to built better to last longer. I have a freezer that was built in 1968 it is still running like a top. My daughters 3 year old one has been repaired twice. We are using to many disposable items and are hardly recycling them. Thanks for the share MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
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