Posted on Jul 15, 2020
Japan: US military coronavirus policy has multiple problems
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I rather enjoyed my time in the army just as I enjoy my time out of the army. However, this is one of the few times when I can say that I am glad NOT to be in the army! Few things currently irritate me more than this placebo everyone is wearing called a mask. We are living 1984! Big Brother says wearing a cloth across our face will protect us... oops, not us, will protect others from catching Chinavirus. So we wear a bandana that does nothing or a medical mask designed to catch bacteria, not a virus which is much smaller and happily go around thinking we are immune to the mystery Chinavirus! Meanwhile we adjust our mask with our grubby little fingers that just picked up the dreaded COVID or we sit down at the magic safe space called the restaurant table where all Chinavirus germs come to a halt because we have deemed this safe to take our mask off, even though we had to have it on while walking to the table.
Now, you know as idiotic as things are on the civilian side, the army is BOUND to find a way to put the er in stupider. I am sure that combat training these days includes a PT Belt so the enemy can see where you are at, a mask so that you cannot breathe, and some sort of camelback hand sanitizer dispenser that must be worn at all times. All this for a virus that has little to no effect on most people and operates as a bad cold or flu to most who show symptoms. So some people die from Chinavirus! I get it! But we don't stop the world every year when the flu season comes around and the flu is a killer as well!
Now, you know as idiotic as things are on the civilian side, the army is BOUND to find a way to put the er in stupider. I am sure that combat training these days includes a PT Belt so the enemy can see where you are at, a mask so that you cannot breathe, and some sort of camelback hand sanitizer dispenser that must be worn at all times. All this for a virus that has little to no effect on most people and operates as a bad cold or flu to most who show symptoms. So some people die from Chinavirus! I get it! But we don't stop the world every year when the flu season comes around and the flu is a killer as well!
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