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Responses: 3
TSgt David L.
Go Army! Beat Navy! LOL
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Abe Dean
I got one. Not claiming it's better, but you might enjoy it, still. Any animal-lovers who don't want to hear a seemingly messed up story from the Philippines, stop reading now. Basically, my Dad told me a story about when he was serving duty at the airstrip conning tower or whatever in Subic Bay. The building had only a little bit of open ground between it's dumpster and the jungle. The monkeys there would come out to the dumpster and root around for food in the dumpster. As such, it was normally kept closed. However there was an initiation act for new guys. When they got word there would be a new guy coming, they would leave the dumpster open, and let that be that for awhile. Then, they would shut the dumpster, and secure it with a monkey inside (I'm guessing with cinder blocks or a lock). Then, they would beat the sides of the dumpster with a bat or some rebar and get the poor bastard all riled up (which didn't take much; those monkeys were kinda mean-spirited already). As soon as the new guy reported for duty, the first thing they would do is have him take out the trash. He'd get the flaps open and a crazy howling monkey would just jump the hell out and scare the shit outta him. They, naturally had to put a stop to that (and I heard no one actually got hurt, besides the unlucky monkey's pride), but damn, that's one of the funniest IRL pranks I had heard in a while.
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PO3 Phyllis Maynard
MSgt Cayle Harris the video made me sad. Since I rescued my fur baby and he had been deserted and abused, I know that animals know when to fear for their lives. The pigs will probably be thrown overboard. My stomach has a pit.
LTC Stephan Porter
LTC Stephan Porter
6 y
No, I’d think the Mess Chief would slaughter them and eat them!
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
6 y
LTC Stephan Porter I am at the cusp of vegetarian food. I am letting my son polish off all the meat in the house. So he'll have to get married if he wants cooked meat.
LTC Stephan Porter
LTC Stephan Porter
6 y
Well PO3 Phyllis Maynard, you enjoy that then. I am not however, and neither is the majority of folks I’d think.
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