This link provides the complete interview of Vladimir Putin by Tucker Carlson. It is 2 hours 7 minutes and 18 seconds in length. Are you willing to surrender that much of your life to view the entire interview, or do you prefer to have someone interpret it for you? Which interpretation will you accept? I saw memes and comments from both of the main sides of the political spectrum and both were critical. That convinced me to watch it in its entirety. No, I'm not going to interpret it for you. No, you shouldn't trust me any more than I would trust you. I will make these simple observations which influenced my approach to it. (1) I never disrespect my enemy. If anything, I give him more credit than he deserves to keep myself from walking into an ambush. (2) A few months ago, I completed writing and produced a series of short videos about our military history. Anyone who watched them can clearly see that I have little respect for American diplomacy. We who serve/served have been called upon repeatedly to clean up their messes. The Russo-Ukrainian war is one of those messes that likely could have been avoided. (3) I cannot imagine Biden sitting down without a teleprompter and discussing a couple of centuries of American history for even 2 minutes with anything approaching the competency of Putin discussing 2,500 years of Russian history. (4) The best propagandists build their stories on a kernel of truth. The challenge is to determine what is the kernel and what is the chaff.