Posted on Feb 25, 2023
JUST IN: Election Crimes Judge Pushes Back On Trump Lawyer’s Attacks — Says Jury Complied With...
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 2
Read a good article* on Bloomberg Law regarding the Grand Juries and comments about Ms. Kohrs' media tour.
One surprising thing I found out that I didn't know before is that this was a "special investigative grand jury" that was formed by the prosecutor. It makes recommendations to the prosecutor, but doesn't have the power to issue indictments. Those have to come from a separate "charging grand jury" (the one that we normally think of when we think "grand jury") in Georgia.
One surprising thing I found out that I didn't know before is that this was a "special investigative grand jury" that was formed by the prosecutor. It makes recommendations to the prosecutor, but doesn't have the power to issue indictments. Those have to come from a separate "charging grand jury" (the one that we normally think of when we think "grand jury") in Georgia.
What It Means When a Trump Grand Jury Foreperson Editorializes
Richard Painter, David Schultz, and David Super react to public comments from grand jury foreperson Emily Kohrs in a Fulton County, Ga. investigation of Donald Trump’s potential involvement in election results. Kohrs recently spoke with media outlets about the jury’s recommendations. These law professors consider the legality, impact, and precedent for future grand juries.
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